Monday, December 30, 2019

Performance Measurement And Control Of Renault And Loreal Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1634 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? The performance measurement system of a firm has a strong influence on the behavior of its people. Performance measurement is the basis of every system like cost system, planning system, capital budgeting system, personal assignments, promotions, reorganizations, budget allocations- the mechanisms, built up over years by which every thing runs in a company. Organizations measurement system strongly affects the behavior of people both inside and outside the organization. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Performance Measurement And Control Of Renault And Loreal Finance Essay" essay for you Create order In this coursework two French companies called Renault and LOreal has been chosen. The main aim of this coursework is find out the financial performance, strategies used by these firms and their conduct. The main purpose of this study is gain insight into the performance measurement design of these French firms. Gross margin of LOreal amounted to 70.5% of sales. The improvement of 10 basis points reflects efficiency gains in plants and gains on purchasing, and, on the other hand, extra costs linked in particular to monetary parities. This improvement in gross profit was particularly significant in the second half of 2009. The automotive market of Renault is expected to grow by 3% in 2010 compared with 2009, but with significant disparities between regions. In two of the main regions in which Renault is present, Europe and Euromed, markets are expected to shrink by around 10% on 2009. We therefore expect 2010 to be another tense year and, once again, our main objective is to generate positive free cash flow. Strategic objective of Renault: . Aiming to be pioneers in the mass marketing of electric vehicles while continuing to improve the efficiency of combustion engines. Continue to boost sales on emerging markets, especially by position in countries where Renault already present, such as Russia, India and Brazil. Expand commercial offensive in Europe, particularly by strengthening the respective positions of brands, Renault and Dacia. Consolidate position as a leader in low-cost vehicles with the Logan platform, and use future ultra-low cost vehicle as a lever for our international development. Step up the development of joint policies within the Alliance, which is crucial in achieving these objectives. The increase in 2009 of the driving forces of LOreal represented by research and advertising promotion expenses, which are essential for the lasting support and sustainable development of the companys brands, was approved as their strategic objective. Introduction Performance measurement refers to the system by which the performance of a company is measured in terms of financial and non-financial areas. Performance measurement is the process whereby an organization establishes the parameters within which programs, investments, and acquisitions are reaching the desired results. Performance measurement sometimes rely heavily financial measures. A company is likely to concentrate on activities like product development, manufacturing, and customer service. In order to maintain competitive edge, the performance measurement tools should be well-conceived and designed. Principles of performance measurement All significant work activity must be measured. Work that is not measured or assessed cannot be managed because there is no objective information to determine its value. Therefore it is assumed that this work is inherently valuable regardless of its outcomes. The best that can be accomplished with this type of activity is to supervise a level of effort. Works which are unmeasured should be minimized or eliminated. For all measured work, desired performance outcomes must be established. Outcomes provide the basis for establishing accountability for results rather than just requiring a level of effort. For work evaluation and meaningful performance appraisal, desired outcomes are necessary. Defining performance in terms of desired results is how managers and supervisors make their work assignments operational. Performance reporting and variance analyses must be accomplished frequently. Frequent reporting enables timely corrective action. Timely corrective action is needed for effective management control. The basic purpose of performance measurement system is to provide feedback, relative to the goals, that increases chances of achieving the goals efficiently and effectively. Performance measurement measures can be financial as well as non-financial. Financial measures include: Return on capital employed, Return on investment, Return on equity, Return on sales, Economic value added, Profit after tax, Market capitalization etc. Non-financial measures include: Customer satisfaction index, Customer returns, market share, new product introduction, On-time delivery Employee productivity index, manufacturing cycle index etc. Both LOreal and Renault have almost all the above mentioned financial and non-financial measures. For example, the main objective of Renault in 2009 was to achieve free positive cash flow and this plan was organized in three parts namely maximizing revenues by improving market share, reducing working capital and reducing fixed cost. LOreal received top marks in financial performance, appeal, leadership, products and services. Several performance measurement systems are in use today, and each has its own group of supporters. For example, the Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Most companies have a performance measurement system that includes financial measures as well as non-financial measures. Financial measures are used primarily by senior managers to monitor the performance of the firm as a whole and its business units or divisions. Non financial measures are employed mainly by operating managers to control short-temporary operations. The balanced scorecard approach pioneered by Robert Kaplan, David Norton and others seeks to develop an integrated performance measurement system. Structure of a Balanced Scorecard How do we look to shareholders?Financial perspective How do customers see us? Goals Measures Customer perspective Goals Measures Internal business perspective Goals Measures Innovation and learning perspective Goals Can we continue to improve and create value?Measures Both LOreal and Renault have performance measurement systems. If we apply balanced score card for these companies we can find out how well they are performing in all perspective in business. Financially both these companies are doing well. They are well doing with their shareholders. Their internal business perspective is also very good comparatively. Renault is innovative with the new technologies where by they are able to meet customer needs as per their requirement. LOreal is also making innovations in their cosmetic segment. Both these companies have a good customer relation Aim of the Study The aim of this study is assess the financial performance of Renault and LOreal and find out the performance measurement systems adopted by these firms. Result of the Study Financial Performance of Renault (2009) Liquidity Ratios Current Ratio = __ Current Assets___ Current Liability = __ 5,941.1_ 35,795 = 0.947 Acid-test Ratio = __Quick Assets__ Current Liability = __Current Asset Inventories__ Current Liability = ____33,913 3,932____ 35,795 = 0.83 Leverage Ratios Debt-equity Ratio = _ Debt__ Equity = __ Debt_______________ Net worth + deferred tax liability = ____47446____ 16,472 + 114 = __47446___ 16586 = 2.86 Debt -asset ratio = ___Debt___ Asset = ___Debt___ Equity + Debt = _47446_ 16586 + 47446 = 0.74 Turnover Ratios Inventory Turnover Ratio = ___Cost of good sold___ Average Inventory = ___ 26,978 ___ (3,932 + 5,266) / 2 = 5.87 Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio = ________Net Sales_______ Average net fixed assets = ____32,415_____ (30,000 + 32,553) /2 = 1.036 Total Assets Turnover Ratio = ____Net Sales_____ Average total assets = ____ 32,415______ (63,978 + 63,831) /2 = 0.507 Profitability Ratios Gross Profit Margin Ratio = ___Gross Profit / Loss___ x 100 Net Sales = ___ (396) ___ x 100 32,415 = (1.22) % Net Profit Margin Ratio = _____Net Profit/ Loss___ x 100 Net Sales = ____ (3,068) ___ x 100 32,415 = (9.446) % Return on Equity = ___Equity earnings__ Average equity = ___ (3,068) _______* 100 (16,472 + 19,416) / 2 = (17.097) % Financial Performance of LOreal Liquidity Ratios Current Ratio = __ Current Assets___ Current Liability = __ 5,941.1_ 5,386.5 = 1.103 Acid-test ratio = __Quick Assets__ Current Liability = __Current Asset Inventories__ Current Liability = ____5,941.1 1,476.7____ 5,386.5 = 0.829 Leverage Ratios Debt-equity Ratio = _ Debt__ Equity = __ Debt_______________ Net worth + deferred tax liability = ____9693.1__ 13,598.3 + 418.0 = __9693.1___ 14016.3 = 0.692 Debt -asset ratio = ___Debt___ Asset = ___Debt___ Equity + Debt = _9693.1 13,598.3 + 9693.1 = 0.416 Turnover Ratios Inventory Turnover Ratio = ___Cost of good sold___ Average Inventory = ___ 5,161.6 ___ (1,476.7 + 1,635.5) / 2 = 3.317 Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio = ________Net Sales_______ Average net fixed assets = ____17,472.6_____ (17,350.4 + 16,380.3) /2 = 1.036 Total Assets Turnover Ratio = ____Net Sales_____ Average total assets = ____ 17,472.6_____ (23,291.5 + 22,906.9) /2 = 0.756 Profitability Ratios Gross Profit Margin Ratio = ___Gross Profit / Loss___ x 100 Net Sales = ___ 12,311.0___ x 100 17,472.6 = 70.45 % Net Profit Margin Ratio = _____Net Profit/ Loss___ x 100 Net Sales = ____ 1,794.9 ___ x 100 17,472.6 = 10.27 % Return on Equity = ___Equity earnings__ Average equity = ___ 1,794.9 _______x 100 (13,598.3 + 11,562.5) / 2 = 14.267 % Findings Comparison between financial performance of LOreal and Renault: Financial Ratios Renault LOreal Liquidity Ratios Current Ratio Acid-test Ratio 0.947 0.838 1.103 0.829 Leverage Ratios Debt-equity Ratio Debt-asset Ratio 2.86 0.74 0.692 0.416 Turnover Ratios Inventory Turnover Ratio Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio Total Assets Turnover Ratio 5.87 1.036 0.507 3.317 1.036 0.756 Profitability Ratios Gross Profit Margin Ratio Net Profit Margin Ratio Return on Equity (1.22)% (9.446)% (17.097)% 70.45% 10.27% 14.267% Interpretations: Liquidity Ratio of a firm refers to the ability of a firm to meet its obligations in the short-run. LOreal has higher current ratio compared to Renault. It is clear that LOreal has the ability to meet its obligations within time as compared to Renault. Acid-test ratios of both the firms are some what same. Financial leverage refers to the use of debt finance. Debt -equity ratio is LOreal is lower as compared to Renault which shows that the creditors of LOreal are enjoying higher degree of protection. Debt-asset ratio measures the extent to which borrowed funds support the firms assets. In this context, LOreal is having low ratio compared to Renault. This implies that Renault is using borrowed funds to invest in assets. Inventory turnover ratio measures the speed with which inventory is moving through the firm and generating sales. Renault is having higher inventory turnover ratio, it shows that it has efficient inventory management as compared to LOreal. Fixed asset turnover ratio is same for both the companies. Higher ratio indicates a high degree of efficiency in asset utilization. Total asset turnover ratio measures how efficiently assets are employed, overall. Overall LOreal has efficient employment of assets compared to Renault. When we compare the profitability ratio of both the firms, it is clear that Renault is having a negative figure which implies that it has incurred huge loss in the year 2009. LOreals profitability is high and it is generating positive cash flows. Conclusions It can be concluded that the performance of LOreal is good as compared to Renault in the year 2009 as they have incurred net loss. Renault group has increased its market share to 3.7%. Even though it has incurred net loss in the end of 2009, it has increased its market share by increase in sales volume and efficient inventory management. Renault has high leverage funds invested which is the cause of loss and moreover Renault has financed its fixed assets through debt. LOreal on the other hand has a good financial performance because of its effective management of funds. It has incurred profit in the year 2009, so financial performance of LOreal is better than Renault.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Implementation Of The Machine Learning Classifier For...

\chapter{Implementation} Implementation of the machine learning classifier for anomaly detection involves using some libraries which help to execute the different steps to classify data and perform analysis. In the next section the detailed implementation of this project will be discussed. \section{Dataset selection} This was the most important part of the entire project and consumed a lot of time. Selecting a suitable database to perform the desired type of analysis was a very difficult task as there are a very few well organized and labeled medical databases which are suitable to perform anomaly detection. The database used by this project is the Pima Indians Diabetes database \cite{Dataset} which is a well structured and a labeled†¦show more content†¦This helps to display the data points, attributes and various features in the dataset. The other library that is used in the project is Scikit-learn \cite{scikit}. This library plays an important role in building the classifier and designing the machine learning algorithm. Scikit-learn \cite{scikit} is an open source library which provides efficient tools for data mining and data analysis. It is based on other Python libraries like NumPy \cite{Numpy}, Scipy \cite{Scipy} and Matplotlib \cite{Matplot}. Scikit \cite{scikit} provides various functions and methods for classification and hence helps to build an efficient classifier to detect anomalies in the data. \section{Machine learning algorithms} There is a vast collection of machine learning classifiers that are provided in the Scikit-learn library \cite{scikit}. All that is needed to do is install and import the Scikit-learn \cite{scikit} library. Three different machine learning algorithms are used to build a classification model to detect anomalies in the data. Out of these three the one which provides optimal accuracy is chosen. The machine learning algorithms that are used on the data are the Gaussian Naive Bayes algorithm, Logistic Regression algorithm and Support Vector Machine algorithm. After loading the dataset, the next important step is to visualize the data. Further, there is a need to split the data into training andShow MoreRelatedCyber Security And Technology Detection System922 Words   |  4 Pagesthis tool can be named as cyber security. To guarantee the safety of a system a tool should be able to detect an anomaly or intrusion. Thus this tool set consist of at least an Intrusion detection system. The system tries to prevent intrusion by having firewalls and tries to eliminate the damage done by the use of antivirus. Attacks can be classified as â€Å"known attacks† or â€Å"anomaly based†. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Hunters Phantom Chapter 5 Free Essays

â€Å"Are you excited for Alaric to arrive tomorrow?† Matt asked. â€Å"He’s bringing his researcher friend Celia, right?† Meredith kicked him in the chest. â€Å"Oof!† Matt staggered backward, knocked breathless despite the protective vest he had on. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 5 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Meredith fol owed up with a roundhouse kick to Matt’s side, and he fel to his knees, barely managing to raise his hands and block a straight punch to his face. â€Å"Ow!† he said. â€Å"Meredith, time-out, okay?† Meredith dropped into a graceful tiger stance, her back leg supporting her weight while her front foot rested lightly on her toes. Her face was calm, her eyes cool and watchful. She looked ready to pounce if Matt showed any sign of sudden movement. When he’d arrived to spar with Meredith – to help her keep her hunter-slayer skil s in top-notch shape – Matt had wondered why she had handed him a helmet, mouth guard, gloves, shin guards, and vest, while she wore only sleek black workout clothes. Now he knew. He hadn’t even come close to hitting her, while she’d pummeled him mercilessly. Matt eased a hand up under the vest and rubbed rueful y at his side. He hoped he hadn’t cracked a rib. â€Å"Ready to go again?† Meredith said, her eyebrows raised in chal enge. â€Å"Please, no, Meredith,† Matt said, raising his hands in surrender. â€Å"Let’s take a break. It feels like you’ve been punching me for hours.† Meredith walked over to the smal fridge in the corner of her family’s rec room and tossed Matt a bottle of water, then sank down next to him on the mat. â€Å"Sorry. I guess I got carried away. I’ve never sparred with a friend before.† Looking around as he took a long, cool drink, Matt shook his head. â€Å"I don’t know how you managed to keep this place secret for so long.† The basement room had been converted into a perfect place to train: throwing stars, knives, swords, and staves of various kinds were mounted on the wal s; a punching bag hung in one corner, while a padded dummy leaned in another. The floor was lined with mats, and one wal was completely mirrored. In the middle of the opposite wal hung the fighting stave: a special weapon for battling the supernatural that had been handed down through generations of Meredith’s family. It was deadly but elegant-looking, the hilt covered with jewels, the ends spiked with silver, wood, and white ash, and the needles steeped in poison. Matt eyed it warily. â€Å"Wel ,† said Meredith, looking away, â€Å"the Suarez family has always been good at keeping secrets.† She began to move through a tae kwon do form: back stance, double fist block, left front stance, reverse middle punch. She was graceful as a slim black cat in her workout gear. After a moment, Matt capped his water bottle, climbed to his feet, and began to mirror her movements. Left double front kick, left inside block, double-handed punch. He knew he was half a beat behind and felt shambling and awkward next to her, but frowned and concentrated. He’d always been a good athlete. He could do this, too. â€Å"Besides, it’s not like I was bringing my prom dates down here,† Meredith offered after a cycle, half smiling. â€Å"It wasn’t that hard to hide.† She watched Matt in the mirror. â€Å"No, block low with your left hand and high with your right hand, like this.† She showed him again, and he shadowed her movements. â€Å"Okay, yeah,† he said, only half concentrating on his words now, focused on the positions. â€Å"But you could have told us. We’re your best friends.† He moved his left foot forward and mimicked Meredith’s backward elbow blow. â€Å"At least, you could have told us after the whole thing with Klaus and Katherine,† he amended. â€Å"Before that, we would have thought you were crazy.† Meredith shrugged and dropped her hands, and Matt fol owed before he realized that the gestures weren’t part of the tae kwon do form. Now they stood side by side, staring at each other in the mirror. Meredith’s cool and elegant face looked pale and pinched. â€Å"I was brought up to keep my heritage as a hunterslayer a deep, dark secret,† she said. â€Å"Tel ing anybody wasn’t something I could consider. Even Alaric doesn’t know.† Matt turned away from Meredith’s mirror image to gape at the real girl. Alaric and Meredith were practical y engaged. Matt had never been that serious with anyone – the girl he’d come closest to loving was Elena, and obviously that hadn’t worked out – but he’d sort of figured that, if you committed your heart to somebody, you told them everything. â€Å"Isn’t Alaric a paranormal researcher? Don’t you think he would understand?† Frowning, Meredith shrugged again. â€Å"Probably,† she said, sounding irritated and dismissive, â€Å"but I don’t want to be something for him to study or research, any more than I want him to freak out. But since you and the others know, I’l have to tel him.† â€Å"Hmm.† Matt rubbed his aching side again. â€Å"Is that why you’re pounding on me so aggressively? Because you’re worried about tel ing him?† Meredith met his eyes. The lines of her face were stil tense, but a mischievous glimmer shone in her eyes. â€Å"Aggressive?† she asked sweetly, fal ing back into the tiger stance. Matt felt an answering smile tug at the corners of his mouth. â€Å"You haven’t seen anything yet.† Elena surveyed the restaurant Judith had picked with a kind of bemused horror. Beeping video game machines vied for attention with old-fashioned arcade games like Whac-AMole and Skee-Bal . Bouquets of brightly colored bal oons bobbed over every table, and a cacophony of song rose from various corners as singing waiters delivered pizza after pizza. What seemed like hundreds of children ran loose across the floor, shrieking and laughing. Stefan had walked her to the restaurant, but, eyeing the neon paint job with alarm, he’d declined to come in. â€Å"Oh, I shouldn’t intrude on girls’ night,† he’d said vaguely, and then disappeared so quickly Elena suspected he’d used vampiric speed. â€Å"Traitor,† she’d muttered, before warily opening the bright pink door. After their time together in the graveyard, she felt stronger and happier, but she would have liked some support here, too. â€Å"Welcome to Happytown,† chirped an unnatural y cheery hostess. â€Å"Table for one, or are you meeting a party?† Elena repressed a shudder. She couldn’t imagine anyone choosing to come to a place like this by themselves. â€Å"I think I see my group now,† she said politely, catching sight of Aunt Judith waving to her from a corner. â€Å"This is your idea of a fun girls’ night out, Aunt Judith?† she asked when she reached the table. â€Å"I was picturing something more like a cozy bistro.† Aunt Judith nodded toward the other side of the room. Peering over, Elena spotted Margaret, happily whacking away at toy moles with a mal et. â€Å"We’re always dragging Margaret to grown-up places and expecting her to behave,† Aunt Judith explained. â€Å"I thought it was time she got a turn to do something she enjoyed. I hope Bonnie and Meredith won’t mind.† â€Å"She certainly looks like she’s enjoying herself,† Elena said, studying her little sister. Her memories of Margaret from the last year were of strain and anxiety: During the fal Margaret had been upset by Elena’s fighting with Judith and Robert and by the mysterious happenings in Fel ‘s Church, and then, of course, devastated by Elena’s death. Elena had watched her through the windows afterward and seen her sobbing. She’d suffered more than any five-yearold should, even if she didn’t remember any of it now. I’ll take care of you, Margaret, she promised fiercely and silently, watching the studious concentration on her sister’s face as Margaret practiced a little old-fashioned carnival violence. You won’t have to feel like that again in this world. â€Å"Are we waiting for Bonnie and Meredith?† Aunt Judith prompted gently. â€Å"Did you end up inviting them to join us?† â€Å"Oh,† said Elena, jarred out of her reverie. She reached for a handful of popcorn from the basket in the middle of the table. â€Å"I couldn’t get ahold of Meredith, but Bonnie’s coming. She’l love this.† â€Å"I absolutely, total y do love this,† a voice agreed from behind her. Elena turned to see Bonnie’s silky red curls. â€Å"Especial y the expression on your face, Elena.† Bonnie’s wide brown eyes were dancing with amusement. She and Elena shared a look that was ful of al the we’re back, we’re back, they did what they said and Fell’s Church is the way it should be again that they couldn’t say in front of Aunt Judith, then fel into each other’s arms. Elena squeezed Bonnie tightly, and Bonnie buried her face in Elena’s shoulder for a moment. Her petite body quivered slightly in Elena’s arms, and Elena realized that she wasn’t the only one walking a fine line between delight and devastation. They’d gained so much – but it had come at a very high price. â€Å"Actual y,† said Bonnie with careful cheer as she released Elena, â€Å"I had my ninth birthday at a place very much like this. Remember the Hokey-Pokey Gril ? That was the place to be when we were in elementary school.† Her eyes held a bright sheen that might be tears, but her chin stuck out determinedly. Bonnie, Elena thought with admiration, was going to have fun if it kil ed her. â€Å"I remember that party,† Elena said, matching Bonnie’s lightness. â€Å"Your cake had a big picture of some boy band on it.† â€Å"I was mature for my age,† Bonnie told Aunt Judith merrily. â€Å"I was boy crazy way before any of my friends were.† Aunt Judith laughed and waved Margaret over toward their table. â€Å"We’d better order before the stage show starts,† she said. Elena, eyes wide, mouthed, Stage show? at Bonnie, who smirked and shrugged. â€Å"Do you girls know what you want?† Aunt Judith asked. â€Å"Do they have anything besides pizza?† Elena asked. â€Å"Chicken fingers,† answered Margaret, climbing into her chair. â€Å"And hot dogs.† Elena grinned at her sister’s tousled hair and expression of delight. â€Å"What are you going to have, bunny?† she asked. â€Å"Pizza!† Margaret answered. â€Å"Pizza, pizza, pizza.† â€Å"I’l have pizza, too, then,† Elena decided. â€Å"It’s the best thing here,† Margaret confided. â€Å"The hot dogs are weird-tasting.† She squirmed in her chair. â€Å"Elena, are you coming to my dance recital?† she asked. â€Å"When is it?† Elena asked. Margaret frowned. â€Å"The day after tomorrow,† she said. â€Å"You know that.† Elena glanced quickly at Bonnie, whose eyes were wide. â€Å"I wouldn’t miss it for the world,† she told Margaret affectionately, and her sister nodded firmly and stood up on her chair to reach the popcorn. Under cover of Aunt Judith’s scolding and the semimelodious sound of their singing waiter approaching, Bonnie and Elena exchanged a smile. Dance recitals. Singing waiters. Pizza. It was good to live in this kind of world for a change. How to cite The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 5, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

International Relations for World Wide Fund- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theInternational Relations for World Wide Fund. Answer: Intergovernmental organizations are part of the international organizations with membership exceeding three states. The states create these IGOs to help them in solving their shared problems thus ensure they make collective decisions to overcome the challenge(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). In the IGOs, the representatives of these states gather to address the issues affecting the region. The most common intergovernmental organizations include the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the WTO(Laksmana, 2013). The SEAN is mandated to promote regional culture, social, and economic cooperation in the region. The WTO also manages conflicts or disputes related to trading partners. The NGOs are the second non-state or private actors. In most cases, volunteers from the community to promote the shared interests form these organizations thus influence the state policies. The NGOs have helped in addressing various global issues including disarmament, human rights, and environmental protection(Laksmana, 2013). These organizations focus on respected and constructive objectives thus rarely trigger opposition and controversies. For example, the Religious Movement and World Wide Fund for Nature are popular NGOs. The WWF addresses issues related to environmental research, restoration, and conservation while the Religious Movement promotes religious convictions and principles of conduct. The Multinational Corporations are businesses that engage in profit-maximization goals and operate in different countries. These firms have headquarters in one country and subsidiaries in other countries(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). MNCs are large companies operating worldwide and have employees and fixed assets. For example, the Honda and Financial organization including banks are MNCs. Honda, for instance, manufactures its products in different factories and sell them to different customers worldwide. Similarly, banking institutions operate internationally and they have to comply with stringent restrictions than other businesses. Chapter 2 Question Set: Based on the events in Syria, it appears that any intervention can establish a post-global order, especially the post-Westphobia. In the international law, no power is allowed to interfere with the domestic affairs of any country(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). Despite the continued blood shade in Syria due to civil war, the country has avoided seeking the intervention of other countries. Syria only requested Russia to intervene instead of seeking solace from other strong democracies. The other powers have kept a distance from interfering with the Syrian affairs because President Assad enjoys strong ties with Moscow. The Russian government has supported the Syrian government by offering military personnel, equipment, and housing. This has complicated matters for other countries which view any war against Assad would be a declared war on Russia. The United States has avoided confrontation in Syria because Russia can use nuclear arsenals. Therefore, any war with Russia would cause the wor st situation in the world. Many countries have also opposed the US intervention in Syria because it can destabilize the region leading to war. Chapter 3 Question Set: The legislative branch of government has the responsibility to define the countrys foreign policy. It is a representative of the masses thus allows the representatives to participate in the foreign policy decisions. In most cases, each government has its own foreign policy. Nonetheless, foreign policy decisions have to reflect the processes like the domestic coalition. In democratic governance, the executive operates through political debate. In the United States, for instance, the constitution defines the countrys foreign policy power(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). Both the executive and Congress has shared the responsibility to define and reshape the foreign policy. Both branches of government can initiate changes in the U.S foreign policy. Although military action relates to war, the economic embargoes and sanctions can be used to compel other countries to comply with the nations standards and regulations. These sanctions rarely have grave consequences. However, the military actions involve the use army is costly. Chapter 4 Question Set: Women play crucial roles in industrializing any country. However, the efforts to entrench gender equity undermine the principles of democracy(UN, 2011). For instance, the move by different countries to establish gender quotas to allow women have some political positions is discriminatory. Indisputably, the feministic revolution has helped many women earn senior positions in politics and government(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). This makes creating gender quotas for women to disrupt democratic processes. The political systems should be left to select the best candidate without creating a predetermined people(InternationalsymposiumSymOrg2016, Jas?ko, Marinkovic?, Beagrade, 2016). Indisputably, in the democratic principle, the previous political system can never compromise the gender issues. Following the recent revolutions, many women have ascended to leadership in the current systems. The systems represent the genders. Chapter 5 Question Set: The situation and environment have completely shifted because the U.S no longer pursues a common enemy. Previously, the United States worked together with China to contain Russia(Stratfor, 2016). However, new threats have emerged that can cause war including space completion, purported espionage, and cyber-attacks. Unfortunately, any war between the superpowers could have the worst economic impact(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). Today, no country is an island because they must work together. Indisputably, these countries have demonstrated real tension in certain areas but the costs of war would outwit the benefits. For instance, the US and Russia have experienced serious conflict situations that could have triggered real war. In fact, both countries pursue different interests. Although the US is superior to Russia, in the last two decades, Russia has tried to narrow the gap militarily. Russia is taking an aggressive approach, especially following its entry into Syria thus compelling the US to remain timid(Stratfor, 2016). The Russian move made the U.S protect its allies instead of facing off with Russia over Syria. The United States has opted for supporting the Ukraine through nonlethal means thus helps them overcome the Russian siege. Since both countries have lethal weapons, none of them would opt for war but engage in cold war. Chapter 6 Question Set: Previously, nations used to fight great conflicts using their navies, armies, and the air forces. Nations with advanced military resources always emerged victorious in the end. Undoubtedly, the United States enjoys the military superiority in the world(Petras, 2017). Unfortunately, the country has found it difficult to employ its military resources in Ukraine, the Middle East, and Africa due to the conflicting resolutions. For instance, the U.S should focus on aiding and supporting these allies instead of inflicting its powers on them(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). Today, these countries are suffering from terrorism that has inflicted suffering on their population. To this effect, the U.S is called upon to protect and support them against the aggressors. The US has responded swiftly by imposing an economic and political sanction of the countries posing threats to their democracies(Petras, 2017). These regions no longer experience a single problem by faces multiple challenges including terrorism, religious tensions, rising non-state actors, and falling governments. This shows the region experiences multiple problems thus becoming difficult to for the US to employ its massive force instead offers solutions based on the outcomes. Chapter 7 Question Set: The national law and international law are incomparable in terms of enforcement. Studies have demonstrated that enforcing the national law is effective because there is no direct influence from international counterparts of local police, county sheriff, or federal marshals(Baradaran, Findley, Nielsen, Sharman, 2010). Today, the international law enforcement officers are absent because any international enforcement requires the support from the local officers(Voeten, 2014). In fact, even the political support for such laws is absent. In the international community, the UN has established the UN Security Council, which should use the Chapter VII of the Charter to enforce laws. Based on the UN Charter, the council has to determine the existence of a threat to peace or any act of aggression. To this effect, the Security Council can recommend military action, diplomatic interventions, or economic sanctions to resolve the situation(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). Unfortunately, most of these international approaches are imperfect because they can apply unevenly or enforced slowly. This is because the bodies mandated to implement them lack the representation of the international communities. Chapter 8 Question Set: The protectionism is a policy, which many countries have used to promote their infant industries. However, this policy presents numerous deficiencies including the economic crisis. For instance, the use of tariff hinders an efficient global trade(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). This makes tariff a deficiency that needs to be reviewed to promote good trading culture. Trade protectionism has always weakened even strong industries because it rarely gives room for companies to improve and innovate their products and services. This deficiency also slows down the economic growth(Suranovic, 2012). For instance, when businesses forgo export and import trading, the economy will lose jobs, especially workers engaged in the importing and exporting businesses. Today, businesses operate on the global market because of globalization. It would be unjust for a firm to avoid seeking new opportunities in other markets because of protectionism culture. Chapter 9 Question Set: FDI has been associated with increased demand for the host nation through technology transfer and productivity improvements. However, this strategy raises many concerns thus require redress(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). This FDI jeopardizes the balance of payment in the long run especially of the host nation. This is because the foreign investors try to recover their initial capital outlay thus turning the investments into profitability. This will see the capital returns to the home country from the host nation. Additionally, the FDI has always generated negative externalities, especially in the host nations labor market(Kurtishi-Kastrati, 2013). This is evident where the investor maximizes the profits and reduces costs. Sometimes the investors use unique strategic reason to access the host country. Nonetheless, these FDI intends to get returns from their capitals. Chapter 10 Question Set: The unification of the European countries to form the European Union was a significant decision that transformed the region in a single trading bloc. The success of this unification was evident when it adopted a single currency(Mursa, 2014). The move has benefits and costs that the member states must converse. With a single currency, the Eurozone members have managed to stimulate trade(Geoghegan, 2014). This is an indisputable benefit of a single currency adoption within a trading bloc. The exchange rate fluctuations exposed the countries engaged in trading activities. The fall of transaction costs could also affect the companies from member countries(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). Therefore, by adopting a single currency, the region stimulated free flow of capital, people, and goods thus stimulating trade activities. Although the euro currency has promoted trade in the region, this instrument is imperfect because of its fiduciary currency. Such fiat currencies rely on the trust of people instead of real standards(Geoghegan, 2014). To this effect, the European Central Bank can adopt discretionary monetary policies adopted by national governments. This can deny the currency its real standard or base. For instance, the European authorities opted to devalue the currency and finance the Greeks budget deficits(Mursa, 2014). During the Greece crisis, the European Central Bank offered the Greek government monetary emissions thus violating fundamental principles guiding the euro convergence. Chapter 11 Question Set: Population growth contributes significantly to global warming because humans intensify their efforts to use fossil fuels to enhance mechanized lifestyles. With more people, the demand for coal, gas, and oil and other fuels increase(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). Whenever the drilled or mined fuels are burned, they emit CO2 into the atmosphere leading toe greenhouse effect. Based on the report of the Scientific Americans, the developed economies consume more fossil fuels than the developing world(UNPF, 2017). For example, the United States is home to over 5 percent of the global population but emits over 25 percent of the total carbon dioxide output(Higgins, 2013). As the developing countries are industrializing quickly, the global CO2 emissions would be high. Therefore, the consumption patterns, global warming, and population are linked to the collective environmental impact in the world. This because as developing countries invest in economic development initiatives, the global emissi ons grow. The population growth rates and size also become significant leading to global warming. Chapter 12 Question Set: Immigration is critical in helping the economy grow, especially the receiving nations labor market. According to the OECD, the immigrants had defined the European countrys dynamic sectors including technology, science, mathematics, and engineering. These immigrants serve this occupation diligently and boost the traditional occupations like maintenance, repair, and installation(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). Without a doubt, the expansion of workforce through migration has aggregated GDP to grow. The migrants are the source of innovation and entrepreneurial activity. Studies have demonstrated that skilled immigrants have continued to boost innovation, entrepreneurship, technological change, and research (EPSC, 2015). For instance, the founder of WhatsApp, John Koum was an immigrant from Kiev. With the future economic models focusing on the frontier of creating new markets and knowledge, the immigrants become valuable. Currently, Europe is below the global race for expertise. The high-ed ucated immigrants are driving the economy of the European countries. Researchers found that the net fiscal contributions of these immigrants are insignificant compared to native-bone(Huttl Leandro, 2015). This is because; the migrants claim more benefits and pay fewer taxes. Since these people secure low employment level, they end up paying less tax. Accordingly, Foged and Peri found that the German government spends over 10 billion euros to pay refugees(Foged Peri, 2015). Foged and Peri have raised issues with the refugees in the labor market. For instance, the immigrants with lower education level and experience have displaced the native workers in less manual work. The immigrants have also increased the waiting hours in health care(Huttl Leandro, 2015). The statistics from the UK indicates that the immigration has affected the health care systems, especially in elective care, accident, and emergency where the waiting time has increased. Chapter 13 Question Set: The export-led growth is a situation where governments opt to increase exports in anticipation to improve increase growth, productivity, and exchange earnings. This is an outward-oriented strategy because it links the world with the domestic economies. Indeed, this strategy ensures a country realizes growth by exporting manufactured goods instead of enhancing their growth through protective domestic policies. However, the non-east Asian countries have failed to use this strategy to succeed(Higgins, 2013). This is because these countries believe in protecting their domestic producers thus preferring import substitution strategy. In most cases, the developing nations, especially the non-East Asian countries believe that exporting manufactured goods is disastrous because their products are inferior and can rarely compete with established corporations in the international markets. They have thus maintained high trade barriers(Goldstein Pevehouse, 2010). The protectionist policies as ado pted by the non-East Asia countries can help the infant industries. These countries also embrace import quotas; import tariffs and prohibit the importation of some commodities. With these protectionist policies, these countries believe they can protect their manufacturing industries. The countries have also used the import restrictions and tariffs to raise their budgetary revenues and strengthen the national security. References Baradaran, S., Findley, M., Nielsen, D., Sharman, J. (2010). Does international law matter? Retrieved October 12, 2017, from EPSC. (2015, April 30). Legal Migration in the EU. Retrieved October 12, 2017, from Foged, M., Peri, G. (2015, March). Immigrants effect on native workers: new analysis on longitudinal data. Retrieved October 11, 2017, from IZA Discussion Paper No. 8961: Geoghegan, S. (2014, September). The Euro: Advantages and disadvantages of a single currency. Retrieved October 12, 2017, from Currency Solutions: Goldstein, J. S., Pevehouse, J. C. (2010). International Relations (9th ed.). Harlow: Longman. Higgins, K. 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Retrieved October 11, 2017, from One Erath Future Discussion Paper:

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction

Table of Contents Slavery Civil War Reconstruction Conclusion Works Cited The American history is defined by different factors, which may include slavery, the civil war, and the reconstruction among others. Eric Foner, in his book ‘Slavery, The Civil War Reconstruction’ presents a clear discussion of how these factors have influenced America over time. Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social movements have also contributed in inspiring the American history in the past 20 years by shuttering the â€Å"consensus† vision that dominated historical writing. Civil rights movement is suggested to be at the center of social change in post World War II America. In civil war era, emancipation and slavery were some of the central issues. In addition to this, the blacks shaped the era’s history by being active agents. Sla very According to the author, historians suggest that early U.S. slavery was situated in a transatlantic system. This was due to the link that United States had with Africa and the Caribbean. Despite the inauguration of the first president, a vigorous slave trade continued for twenty years. However, the languages and the cultural forms of the African slaves remained vibrant and sustained by infusion of the new people arriving in the United States. In addition, Intellectual Privacy was sustained by the ability of the slaves to speak languages the owners did not understand; while tribal identities were also sustained by speaking these different languages (Foner, 45) The legal basics of slavery were lost in the 1780s in the North due to the phrase â€Å"all men are born free and equal† which was interpreted by a Massachusetts court as simply outlawing slavery (Foner 43) Civil War John Shy describes civil war as â€Å"a social process of political education† (Foner 48). A ccording to the author, the war began as a mass resistance of the crowd but later shifted to armed forces. Market revolution, which was crucial to the American lives contributed to new components of consciousness, politics and social life, which in turn brought about Civil War. The author also notes that in Lincoln’s second inaugural address, he insinuated that slavery was the cause of the civil war, although some historians differ with this (Foner, 91)Advertising Looking for report on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reconstruction A large number of freed black men learn to read and write in the army before becoming articulate political leaders during the Reconstruction era (Foner, 93). Former slaves were thrust into a no-man’s land which was between freedom and slavery by the end of reconstruction. This in turn was considered a mockery of the idea of equal citizenship (Foner, 102). Moreover, majority o f the blacks in the reconstruction period supported the Republican Party, which is said to have won their royalty during that period (Foner, 111) Conclusion The three factors that have been discussed above were some of the main pillars that shaped the American history. Social change in the American history was brought about due to the efforts of civil rights movements. The Republicans were considered to be antislavery thus contributing to their liking by the black community. Moreover, the northern society of America was opposed to slavery in contradiction to their southern counterparts that still held on to slavery. Works Cited Foner, Eric. Slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction. Philadelphia: TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1997. This report on Slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction was written and submitted by user Shockwave to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Tips for Writing a Good Exploratory Essay on Anthropology of Mormonism

Tips for Writing a Good Exploratory Essay on Anthropology of Mormonism The exploratory piece is one writing task that you will come across in the course of your academic career. Many students may be put off when they see the writing task, but understanding what is required of you in your exploratory piece can make it significantly easier for you to tackle. When you are writing an exploratory essay, your goal is to explain your topic of choosing in a logical fashion. Your goal with this writing is to present a well-balanced analysis of your subject matter, without any opinion or personal belief and only with simple facts. When you The purpose of this paper is to present a balanced analysis of the subject on which you are writing with no reference to opinions but rather simple facts: Writing in an exploratory piece is a unique assignment one which requires you to structure your format with five key paragraphs. Much the same as a five paragraph essay the purpose of this essay should be an introductory paragraph which has your main thesis, three body paragraphs which support your thesis, and a conclusion which restates your main idea. While you are preparing to complete your essay you should take some time to brainstorm what you already know about your topic (first give a look at our 20 topic ideas on anthropology of Mormonism). Consider what things you do not know and how you need to balance the article. If you know one argument pertaining to your topic but not the opposition you will need to research this. The next step is to conduct thorough research and of course to take notes as you do so. If you write down a quote, a statistic, or effect it is important that you write down the corresponding bibliographic information on your note card. This will save you a great deal of time when it comes down to creating your reference page and your citations. You can always avail of our facts on anthropology of Mormonism and make your essay even better (without wasting time on additional research). You should create an outline so that you can see what information youre going to present each paragraph in the most logical and organized fashion possible. When it comes down to drafting your paper you must make sure that the most important sentences containing inside your introductory paragraph. This most important sentence is your topic sentence. The topic sentence needs to state your thesis without giving any opinion without taking any position. Your thesis should transition seamlessly into an explanation of what you will address within your paper. Each one of your body paragraphs need to cover a separate point which support your thesis. The sentences contained inside of each body paragraph need to include facts and offer examples that support the topic. Youre concluding paragraph should reinforce the thesis statement and it should never introduce new material. Since this type of paper discusses factual information and not personal experiences it is imperative that you write in third person. When you have finished writing a paper is incumbent upon you to review your work and revise it. Make sure that you provide an unbiased analysis and that you have clearly communicated information to your reader. Exploratory essay writing is very simple when you know the main peculiarities of this type of academic performance. So, be sure to know the ropes and start writing right now! Feel free to buy a college essay at our established custom writing company. You will get a superior-quality custom written exploratory paper from academic experts!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Government's Influence on Career Choices in Public or Private Sector Research Paper

Government's Influence on Career Choices in Public or Private Sector - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that the government usually does serious marketing for the less preferred jobs such as the army. The marketing campaigns make the compensation and conditions for an average US army official very lucrative and tempting. Whenever government faces a shortage of labor, they embark to marketing just like the private sector. The continued positive branding of some careers may have an enormous impact on individual’s career choices. This paper makes a conclusion that the government international relations have an influence on an individual’s career path. Some career paths may demand that one flies to a foreign country to further studies or just to carry out the job itself. Consider a scenario where a US citizen has landed a prime job in a foreign country. If the US government is not in conducive international terms with such a country, say Iran, an individual may not have the urge to pursue his career in such a hostile foreign environment. It goes without saying the immigration department, and the federal laws governing US workers in foreign countries will not be lenient enough to make some happy to take up the job in the said country. In fact, US after warning its citizens not to head to certain places in pursuit of careers may decide to play a passive role in the case of an incidence. Therefore, international relations and government labor laws concerning working in foreign nations may have an effect on the decision one makes career wise.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Relationship between North Korea Citizen and Government Essay

Relationship between North Korea Citizen and Government - Essay Example It also avoided dissent and unrest from its citizenry by blocking â€Å"corrupt ideas† coming from the outside world particularly the West and promotes the idea that they â€Å"have nothing to envy in this world†. The Kim regime’s methodology for a time worked well because even if North Korea plunged into desperation with the famine of 1990s, with hunger that turned â€Å"vagabond children stealing fruit and hunting frogs; middle-aged women haggling over cheap Chinese-made goods in black markets; college-educated women wading half-naked across the Tumen River to sell themselves into arranged marriages with Chinese farmers; family patriarchs wasting away as the food rations ran out, often going raving mad before a quiet, hideous death from starvation† (Demick, 2009), North Koreans still believed that their government is serving them well. II. Example One of Regime’s Methods The first method employed by the North Korean government to control its peopl e is to physically isolate the country from the rest of the world. It is a deliberate scheme to create a vacuum in the minds of the North Korean people so that it would become receptive to whatever the government will say. ... In plain language, the Kim regime kept its citizenry ignorant about the world so that it will be easier to brain wash them. To illustrate the magnitude of how bent the ruling regime of North Korea in insulating its population from the influences of the outside world, it went as far as refusing humanitarian foreign aid when a great famine struck the country in the 1990s. As a result, many starved and died from hunger. Food rations became short and there was not even enough electricity that the country looks like a black hole at night when viewed from a satellite above because it was the only unlit region in Asia. This famine caused deaths by hundreds of thousands yet the people continued to believe that their government and Kim Jong Il is doing something good to them. The isolation that the North Korean government perpetuated was not only limited to the physical disconnection of its population from the outside world but also reinforced it with fear that anything outside its borders is evil. The West, â€Å"particularly United States† is being portrayed both as evil and enemy to ensure the psychological disconnect of its population from the west (particularly USA) and the rest of the world. Mi-Ran, one of the interviewed deserters narrated that during her youth â€Å"the radio and television played many times that South Koreans were miserable under the thumb of the pro- American puppet leader Park Chung- hee and, later, his successor, Chun Doohwan†; that their version of communism is â€Å"better than that of China because there are a lot of people going hungry in China†. Hearing this over and over again, Mi-Ran even believed that she was lucky to have been born in North Korea under the benevolence of their Great Leader.    III. Example

Monday, November 18, 2019

Argument Essay Does Religion cause wars Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Argument Does Religion cause wars - Essay Example Religion makes significant contributions to the causes of some wars in the modern era. Witness the disputes around Jerusalem, Israels illegal occupation of Palestine and its status as a religious state, a rogue state and an aggressor state. Also, Huntingtons clash of civilizations theory places religion at the core of his warring civilizations. Jerusalem was the objective of the First Crusade, almost one millennium later it remains a focal point of religious warfare. For Jews, Jerusalem is where the Messiah will appear and the site of the original Temple of Solomon. It is also a significant site to Muslims: â€Å"Jerusalem has had a very important spiritual meaning for Muslims, not only being the first Qibla but also the mystical experience of the prophets ascendance to heaven.† (â€Å"Jerusalem in Islam†) For Christians it is where the Messiah was crucified, buried and rose again from the dead. The importance to Christianity is so great that there have been disputes within Christianity (intra-religious fighting) as to who has the privilege and responsibility of maintaining the Christian holy sites in the city. In 2008 the BBC reported, â€Å"Fighting erupted between Greek Orthodox and Armenian monks at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the traditional site of Christs crucifixion.† (â€Å"Monks brawl at religious shrine†, 2008) Violence in and around Jerusalem, and attempts by various religions to claim Jerusalem as theirs, can be attributed to religion. In a broader sense the state of Israel and the warfare that has characterized its sixty years of existence are also attributable to religious roots. Israelis often insist that their differences with their neighboring states is not religious. They insist the friction is between a democratic state (Israel) and non-democratic states (Syria, Jordan and Egypt). However, it is clearly a religious issue that transcends Jerusalem. In December 2010 CNN reported â€Å"In August, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual

Friday, November 15, 2019

Environmental Effects on COPD

Environmental Effects on COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an obstructive airway disorder characterized by the slowly progressive and irreversible decrease in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), accompanied by emphysema and chronic bronchitis (Rabe et al. 2007; Cazzola et al. 2015); it develops with decreasing lung function as a function of age in the normal population (Ito and Barnes, 2009). Despite the heritability of 40-77%, a host of other influences can also exacerbate this condition (Young et al., 2009). Rather the development and progression of COPD involves multiple genes, gene-gene and gene-environment interactions (Ã…Â ½idzik et al. 2008; de Jong et al. 2015). Smoking exposure is considered as the most important risk factor for the development of COPD (Chan-Yeung et al. 2007; Kurmi et al.2015) with mild and moderate COPD cases having a three- fold risk of developing lung cancer within ten years, which increases to a ten-fold risk with severe COPD compared to the smokers with normal lung function (El-Zein et al. 2012). There also however exists COPD-associated increased mortality from lung cancer in non-ever smokers (Turner et al. 2007; Kiri et al. 2010; Aldrich et al.2015). Despite quarrying and mining activities as important occupational set-ups inducing COPD (Jhoncy et al. 2011; Iftikhar et al. 2009), yet work-place identification of this occupational disease has not come to attention on pursuing literature related to COPD. Also there is uncertainty in prognosis of COPD although a number of validated indices exist (Briggs et al. 2008). As these indices require in-puts from patients and the interpretation by the care-giver/physician, these may not be able to cater to disease-identification in the field. In the present study, the on-site disease-identification using the recommended spirometry evaluation (Briggs et al. 2008;Shiota et al. 2015) to recognize COPD cases at stone-crushing units (dust exposure) was carried out. Such an identification at the workplace gains importance as 50-80% of COPD are missed-out on the basis of misdiagnosis/co-current diagnosis due to relying on reported symptoms which are not sufficiently sensitive and / or because of fa ilure of persons to report to the health provider (Levy et al. 2009). The effect of various environmental stressors from occupational exposures needs to be assessed for prediction of cancer outcome(s) (Fenech, 2002) as 90% of cancer is environmental in origin (Hemminki et al. 2006). COPD has also been identified as an independent risk factor for lung cancer with inflammation as the pathophysiologic factor for high risk of its progression (Sin et al. 2006; Hillas et al.2015) and smoking- induced COPD associated with lung cancer has also been documented (Koshiol et al. 2009). While mechanisms governing the risk of developing neoplastic disease are not well known (Barreiro, 2008), of the various theories, oxidative stress may be playing a pivotal role in its manifestation. In COPD, oxidative stress has been observed as ensuing from decreased FEV1 (Kluchovà ¡ et al. 2007), substantial inflammatory response increasing cytokines as triggered by exogenous dust particles (Yang et al. 2011) and decreased antioxidants because of depletions of glutathione peroxi dase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, ascorbic acid and vitamin E (Borm et al. 2004). The impaired oxidant-antioxidant status can cause cellular damage; DNA damage can result from the action of reactive oxygen species (Jackson and Loeb, 2001) and is the underlying cause of mutations leading to cancer (Bernstein, 2012).Chromosomal damage (increased micronuclei frequency) in peripheral blood lymphocytes has been extensively used for predicting risk of cancer (Fenech et al. 2011) and oxidative DNA damage is also implicated in carcinogenesis, ageing and age-related neurodegenerative diseases (Fortini et al. 2003, Nishigori et al. 2004). The major form of oxidative DNA damage is 8-hydroxy-2`-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) resulting from G→T and A→C base substitutions. It may lead to mutagenesis if unrepaired and is directly correlated with lung carcinogenesis (Gackowski et al. 2006). The lesion 8-OHdG is an established biomarker of oxidative stress/oxidative DNA damage and being potentially mutagenic, it is useful as an intermediate marker of a disease end-point lik e cancer (Cheng et al. 1992). Therefore in the present study, 8-OHdG level was assessed as a pre-lesion of neoplasia in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) of COPD- identified cases at stone-crushing units. Although the leukocytes are not the direct target of the exposure at this workplace, they may possibly be affected by the accumulated unmetabolized toxic compound(s) in the lung (Gackowski et al. 2003). This hence prompted the assessment of oxidative DNA damage in the peripheral blood leukocytes and also because of the non- accessibility of the target (lung) cells. The biomarkers of exposure and effect, and clinical disease (cancer) may further be influenced by susceptibility genotypes and their gene products as pre-dispositional factors (Their et al. 2003). Also as DNA damage and DNA repair have a major role in carcinogenesis and from occupational settings, the susceptible metabolic genotypes (gene products) may inherently be associated in causing genetic damage. Therefore genotyping of the occupational workforce was carried out for glutathione-S-transferase (GST) gene variants (both for disease susceptibility and genetic damage) since GST alleles have been documented to have an association with COPD (Young et al. 2011). Furthermore, a reduced expression of these alleles has also been observed in the air passage of COPD patients (Imboden et al. 2001; Lakhdar et al. 2011) and hence the expression of glutathione-s-transferases was also estimated. Association of the Val/Ala variants of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) with lung cancer (Wang et al. 2001) further justified the genotyping of this allele and assessing its expression. Variant forms of these susceptible genes are generally common in the population. Due to their specificities for substrates they interact with during environmental exposures, they can increase the risk for disease-causation (Lan et al. 2000). Incidentally, GST and SOD enzymes are also involved in the metabolic and oxidative stress pathways (Borm et al. 2004), and since stone-crushing is an inflammation-triggering occupation (Vallyathan et al. 1995), the assessment of the amounts of these enzymes was thought appropriate. The purpose of the present study was two-fold. On one hand to identify COPD cases from workplace exposure (occupation-related disease) and hence assist in identifying ‘missing’ COPD cases using recommended (spirometry) measurements (Briggs et al. 2008, Young et al. 2011) and COPD categorizations (GOLD, 2003). The other (main) purpose was to determine the propensity (Prognostic Index/score) for genetic damage and by extension an increased likelihood for carcinogenesis as ensuing from the combined effects/interactions of prognostic (risk) factors in COPD cases (the workers exposed to industrial-type prevalent conditions) at stone-crushing units. This entailed the evaluation for the presence of oxidative stress (GSH and SOD) and oxidative DNA damage in workers at stone-crushing units genotyped for the GST and MnSOD genes.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Compressed Air and Water :: science

Compressed Air and Water The goal of the following research is to demonstrate that Carlton & United Breweries (CUB) reduced energy and water consumption will not only protect their environment, but also earn and save them extra income. Brewing used to require about 25 litres of water per litre of beer, nowadays it requires only 4 to 5 litres*, on the other hand, compressed air accounts about 10% of electricity consumption in the industry*. CUB needs to use cutting edge technologies, more preventive maintenance programs and â€Å"very simple ways in which the procedure can become cleaner†* in order to reach and overcome these requirements. And let’s not forget that every litre of water and watt of energy saved will be reflected as a profit. Water Issue CUB has taken the water issue in consideration, reducing its consumption by 7-9%, only by installing a recycling system which is capable of distributing re-used water for the cooling towers of the engine room, boiler house, floor wash-down and pasteurisation*. However, there is a lot that can be done in order to reduce even more this percentage; cisterns on the roof collect rainwater that can be used for the toilets and landscape irrigation, saving 3.9 million litres of potable water a year*, and also, can be purified and used as the re-used water if necessary*. Cascade Brewery, also from Australia, is saving an average of 5,812 KL per month*, some of their main water reduction actions are: replacement of heat exchange equipment with more efficient units, steam condensate return to the boilers, The installation of a 32 KL tank at to collect water from the carbon dioxide and air compressors for use as boiler feedwater, among others*. Compressed Air Issue Not much has been done in order to make a significative reduction in the compressed air issue. Actually, it has reduced 1%, only by applying air knives instead of compressed air in order to dry the bottles before labelling and a leak identification program. There is wide range of possibilities CUB could work on in order to reduce its compressed air consumption, which it’s translated into less energy consumption from the air compressors and blowers. Switch to state of the art air compressors, these can really mean a huge difference regarding energy consumption*. Variable Speed compressors (VS), can match the air demand by adjusting the motors RPMs and energy consumption, however, VS are most efficient at low to mid capacity ranges (20-60% full load), and are designed only to intermittent operation at 100% capacity*.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Outline of the Nayar of India Essay

The Nayar are a matrilineal society that resides in southwest India. They have a unique social organization and culture. Their extended family is among foraging bands, and are formulated of a nuclear family is the basic unit of production and consumption. Culture and religion is one that is serious and all people living under the political jurisdiction are required to follow the state religion. When it comes to kinship, class prearranges children marriages in order to maintain land, wealth, and power within the group. There is still division between the roles between men and women. Men still considered women, inferior and restricted to the household and men are superior and more intelligent. Today life for the Nayar of India is changing the roles of men and women, with technology rising in communities and becoming more educated women are now leaving their homes for employment. As times change with new technology, the people of Nayar never forget the importance of religion and family. I. Beliefs and Values 1. Family 2. Culture 3. Religion II. Kinship 1. Children 2. Ownership of land 3. Marriages III. Gender Relations 1. The roles between men and women 2. Duties portrayed as a community 3. Changes in gender responsibility References: NAYAR FAMILY AND KINSHIP: A STUDY IN CHANGE AND CONTINUITY Pdf Nowak, B., & Laird, P. (2010). Cultural Anthropology. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education. Religion and International Relations

Friday, November 8, 2019

Speech Ranscript on One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest and the Green Mile Essay Example

Speech Ranscript on One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest and the Green Mile Essay Example Speech Ranscript on One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest and the Green Mile Paper Speech Ranscript on One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest and the Green Mile Paper Essay Topic: One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest The New Negro Good afternoon students and teacher. Today I am here to talk to you about the experiences viewed of 2 texts about institutions. From these texts I will express my views on two different institutions, Milos Foreman’s one flew over the cuckoo’s nest a physic iatric institution and Frank Darabont’s the green mile a prison institution. My understanding of an institution is an organization that is open to the public for help such as public schools, prison institutions and metal institutions. Milos Freeman uses the character Randle Patrick McMurphy to effectively view the experience of the institution. Randle was sent there to the institution from the work farm because of his insane behaviour. The techniques used in this film emphasis the experience of the institution. When McMurphy walks into the ward for the first time the camera pans around the room this technique shows that everything is dull and simple. The walls are white and the patients are dressed plainly in white gowns. While the camera is panning you notice barred doors and windows. This indicated that the patients may be unstable. Some beds also have leather straps to hold down patients. The nurses in particular Nurse Ratched have a calm, straight faced and persistent attitude. This is their way of manipulating the patients. One particular incident occurs in one of the group counselling meetings. She asks one of the patients to talk about his relationship with his wife and why he doesn’t trust here anymore. He isn’t comfortable talking about it but nurse Ratched persistently asks him in a calm domineering way. The close up camera view on the record player when it begins playing and the voice over â€Å"Medication Time, medication time â€Å"symbolises the continuous boring routine the ward undergoes. The treatments given to the patients are claimed to help. Incidents in the film when patients are taken away for shock therapy the patients refuse to go, â€Å"no I won’t go, no! †. McMurphy was one that had to get shock therapy. When he was asked to enter the room a medium ranged camera view shows the bed with straps, Dr Spivey, a nurse and the guards waiting around the bed. McMurphy is scared when he states â€Å"there may be a little fluid in there boys if you know what I mean† when asked to take his shoes off. Shock Therapy in the viewer’s eyes is not used to treat patients but to torture them. Frank Darabont’s film the green mile uses many techniques to convey the experience of the prison institution. It is focused on death row inmates. At the beginning of the movie distant camera shots are used to show the slave labour of the inmates working on the work farm. This introduces the prison life. Following this introduction, Percy one of the police officers escorts an inmate to the death row cells yelling â€Å"Dead man, dead man walking, dead man walking here! † from the police car to the death row cells. This shows the lack of respect the officer has with the inmates. Later on the officers rehears an execution with one of the inmates. The cameras use all different angles to show the way from the cell to the electric chair. A low shot is taken along the â€Å"green mile† (green floor in between the cell). They focus on the green mile because it’s the last walk from the cell to the electric chair. The officers seem to joke along with the prisoner but soon later when it came to the day they realise the seriousness of the situation. Percy has a grudge with this inmate and decides to do the execution. He purposely leaves the sponge dry to get back at him. The camera is focused on the sponge until it gets placed on the head of the inmate to show a sense of suspicion. This careless, idiotic and disrespectfully act makes the inmate fry to his death. Again this is show the lack of respect. One scene in the movie an inmate wees on the officer’s shoes. A close up camera angle is focused on the shoes and then to the disgusted face of the officer. It shows the lack of respect between the inmates and the officers. Later through the movie Paul Edgecomb one of the main characters of the movie gains trust with the new Negro inmate john Coffey. This is because he healed his bladder infection. John has special healing powers. This was first seen when he brought back to life the mouse. John has further proven his trust and has healed the warden’s wife from cancer. Even thought he gained trust with Paul the execution still had to go ahead. After viewing these texts my understanding of institutions has changed. I feel that people working for certain institutions are mostly heartless or can heart full. One flew over the cuckoo’s nest expresses careless manipulative attitudes and the green mile shows lack of respect but eventually shows a build-up of trust and respect. Thank you for listening to my speech.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Facts and Figures About Nouns in English

Facts and Figures About Nouns in English In this edition of Language Notes, we turn our attention to the naming part of speech: nouns. Common NounsHere, according to researchers at Oxford University Press, are the ten most frequently used nouns in English:timepersonyearwaydaythingmanworldlifehandWoman comes in at number 14, work at 15, and war at 49. Neither play nor peace, unfortunately, is ranked in the top 100. The 2006 study was based on analysis of the more than one billion words in the Oxford English Corpus. NominalizationIts not hard to manufacture nouns in English. For instance, adding -ing to a verb creates a noun (or, more precisely, a gerund): Winning isnt everything, Waiting can be painful, Good eating deserves good drinking. Likewise, adding a suffix such as -ness or -ity to an adjective can turn it into a noun: Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles. And simply putting the definite article the before an adjective also does the trick: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Noun StackingAnother way to multiply nouns is to string two or three together, as in precipitation event or interrogation en hancement techniques. Such nounism, says William Zinsser, is a new American disease (though it appears to have spread overseas as well): Today as many as four or five concept nouns will attach themselves to each other, like a molecule chain. Heres a brilliant specimen I recently found: Communication facilitation skills development intervention. Not a person in sight, or a working verb. I think its a program to help students write better (On Writing Well, Collins, 2006). Supersized NounsIn his delightful book When You Catch an Adjective, Kill It (Broadway Books, 2007), Ben Yagoda calls attention to another unfortunate nominal trend: the needless expansion of nouns and the growing reliance on polysyllabic synonyms, apparently in the belief that the longer the word, the better. Thus, utilization is preferred to use, signage to signs, andmy pet peevetransparency to openness. Not a Single SmithereenThe Latin phrase plurale tantum (plural only) refers to any noun that appears only in the plural and has no singular form: jeans, for example, and tweezers and underpants. In Crazy English: The Ultimate Joy Ride Through Our Language (Pocket Books, 1989), Richard Lederer asks, Doesnt it seem just a little loopy that we can make amends but never just one amend; that no matter how carefully we comb through the annals of history, we can never discover just one annal; that we can never pull a shenanigan, be in a doldrum, eat an egg Benedict, or get just one jitter , a willy, a delirium tremen, or a heebie-jeebie? Why, sifting through the wreckage of a disaster, can we never find just one smithereen? And in case you were wondering . . .Yes, theres also a term for a noun that appears only in the singular form: singulare tantum. In this category we find mass nouns (also known as noncount nouns), such as mud, knowledge, spaghetti, and (coming in at number 15 on the list of the most common nouns in English) work. To continue this investigation of the most prolific part of speech, visit our glossary entry for noun. Also see our List of 100 Irregular Plural Nouns in English and our  Exercise in Identifying Nouns.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Strengths Needed in the Position You Seek Essay

The Strengths Needed in the Position You Seek - Essay Example In order to become a successful and well-known manager in a corporate organization, four strengths are extremely essential. These are, motivating the employees, high-level of communication skills, proper delegation of responsibilities, good organizing skills to deal effectively with the challenging situations. Only then, a manager might effectively control and manage the employees thereby amplifying the prospects of the organization in the market among others. Due to the enhancement of the profit margin and reputation, the wage package of the manager might also get enhanced thereby boosting the prospects of the career in the future age. However, among all the above-mentioned strengths, high-level of motivational and communication skills are present within me that might prove effective in amplifying my underlining leadership skills to a certain extent. As a result of which, my rate of dominance and supremacy within the organization might get enhanced that may prove extremely beneficial for me. But at the same time, proper delegation of the responsibilities as well as effective negotiation power is also equally essential in order to become a successful manager. However, as these skills are not present within me, these are essential to be developed so as to manage the organizational goals and objectives efficiently among others. Only then, an organization might operate successfully in the market. In spite of these, my teachers or my friends always encourage me to organize or control any show or activity as I am extremely good at tackling any situation.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Leadership - Research Paper Example It may be adopted in the form of a democratic leader (Zastrow, 2009, p 186). A leader may be an authoritative leader. A leader on the other hand may be a laissez faire kind of leader. Other broader domains and types of leadership skills include participative and coordinating form of leadership. A leader is an individual who through his actions, words, policies and thoughts make a difference and guide his sub ordinates. The role of leadership in response is a set of instructions, commands, duty, post and designation which requires certain set of instructions, commands and obligations to be fulfilled in a definite set of circumstances that are set forth against them and their tasks and their duties (Malloch & Porter-OGrady, 2009, p. 231). Leadership is important because it provides the team, the organization, the home, the country and town a representative and guiding individual who through his skills, actions and steps guides his subordinates and the circumstances. Without the presence of the leader the entire unit would collapse. He serves as the foundation pillar and support against which the ideas, morale and the direction of the individuals is aligned and administered. The absence of leaders lead to a state of disarray where there is little harmony and the subsequent toll shows up on the overall project and the final outcome (Elsner & Farrands, 2012, p 38). Leaders are most effective when they are participative and when they are appointed through the will of the subordinates. The leaders are most effective when they know the pulse of the people the environment and the circumstances surrounding them. The leaders are further more effective when they embrace themselves to the challenges and face them with confidence and dedication. Further, the leaders are effective if they work under the spirit of professionalism by reducing any bias and dedicating all the sources and energies towards the final outcomes of the organizations. The functions of

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Regulatory Measures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Regulatory Measures - Essay Example This paper will examine regulatory measures as stipulated in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO), Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Indeed, in 1991, the federal government through the United States Sentencing Commission enacted the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations to curb legal violations in organizations by imposing harsh penalties upon organizations whose employees or company representatives commit federal crimes (Ethics Resource Centre, 2005). Ideally, the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations would also guide the Federal Judges while convicting and punishing organizational defendants (Ethics Resource Centre, 2005). The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations came because of continued debate over the significance of instilling ethical conduct in organizations to guide the code of operations (Ferrell et al, 1998). Actually, the need for an ethical conduct emanated from the fact that org anizations continuously violated the law that governed their operations. Moreover, the ethical and legal challenges that faced the managers and employees of an organization necessitated the establishment of an ethics program and its compliance policy (Ethics Resource Centre, 2005). ... On the other hand, George W. Bush signed into law the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Zameeruddin, 2003). The Act proposed universal reforms on financial operators, lawyers, auditors, corporate board members, and other official that trade securities (Zameeruddin, 2003). The main aim of the Act was to prevent and punish corporate and accounting fraud and corruption as well as safeguarding the interests of the employees and shareholders. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 came as a result increasing of complex corporate and accounting scandals in the public sector (Independent Sector, 2013). Most specifically, the collapse of Enron and reports of accounting fraud at WorldCom, HealthSouth, and other leading firms in the US led the US Congress to enact the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Vakkur & Herrera-Vakkur, 2012). As such, there was a need to formulate laws to curb this trend and restore public trust in the corporate world. Additionally, the Act came into effect as a way of establishing an effe ctive oversight measure to the financial and accounting operations of an organization (Independent Sector, 2013). Furthermore, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) offers equal opportunities for the employer in compliance with federal law and seeks to create and maintain a vibrant and diverse workforce (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2013). The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau came because of increased discrimination in the membership in a labor organization, or any other organization that does not abhors merit. As such, it encourages professional development, retention on employees, and offers compensation and benefits packages to the employees. Ideally, we can establish that the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for

Monday, October 28, 2019

Statement of Purpose Essay Example for Free

Statement of Purpose Essay As a young child, I was attracted to sci-fi films because of exploration of the planets. Anyone, who has ever seen the television series â€Å"Star Wars,† will never forget the imposing space ships connecting planets, robot troops; dangerous battles in the space, and of course, two human-like robots. In the television series â€Å"Star Trek,† I really took part in adventures of the Enterprise spaceship to mysterious planets at the speed of light. These films gave me a question: â€Å"Can we create a machine having intelligence as human? The question is still haunting me, and becoming an computer engineering To indulge in natural science in my childhood, I became excellent in physics, chemistry, and especially in math. I had won three times in math competition, two in high school, and one in Tarrant County College. It seemed only logical that I pursue a career in computer engineering. In the realm of engineering, I have developed a special interest in the field of artificial intelligence and had taken a programming course. I was a technical assistant at Department of Automation and Robotics of Institute of Applied Mechanics in my country, Vietnam, I learned about its many practical applications, especially in relation to automation and robotic. It also helps me understand more about my major. Another particular interest of mine is theoretical physics. I am attracted by philosophy of physics, theoretical physics, Eastern philosophy ideologies about structure of the universe, similarities between meditator and scientists. Later I would like to work in the area of research and development for industry. It is in research and development that I will make the greatest contribution, utilizing my theoretical background and creativity as a scientist. As Sun Tzu said â€Å"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,† being admitted to SEO program is not only a good single step to begin my journey, but also the greatest chance for me to open the door of graduate school. The program will help me to gain practical experiences. It also gives me ideas what reality needs, so that I will have better direction to pursue in my professional goals.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Film Review of Blades of Glory Essay -- essays research papers

Blades of Glory, directed by Josh Gordon and Will Speck, is a hilarious comedy that turns figure skating into one big joke. This movie was so over-the-top, it was over over-the-top, but it kept the whole theater laughing throughout the entire movie, which is exactly what it was made to do. The movie’s plot is not very intricate, but it really doesn’t need to be. It’s about 2 Men’s Singles Figure Skaters that are the complete opposites of each other. Chazz Michael Michaels (Will Ferrell) is the notorious bad boy in figure skating, he’s very sexual and all the ladies swoon over him. Jimmy MacElroy (Jon Heder) is the good boy that pays attention to technical detail and precision. These two skaters compete against each other and end up getting a tie score for first place and the gold medal. Then, while on the podium, they start to bicker, and it leads to a brawl between the two of them. Because of that, they end up getting banned from Men’s Singles for the rest of their lives. The two of them find new, separate jobs, and after a while Jimmy’s stalker, Hector (Nick Swardsdon), tells...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Immigration Needs to be Restricted in America Essay -- Argumentative P

Immigration Needs to be Restricted in America Illegal immigration will cost the United States $280 billion dollars from 1995-2004. And that only counts for the immigrants that enter this country illegally. What of the legal immigrants that come to the United States and find it harder than they thought it would be? Most of these immigrants just go on welfare. Legal immigrants participate in 20.7 percent of all welfare programs while native citizens only participate in 14.1 percent (Borjas). This costs the American public millions of dollars every year. At the turn of the century 40 percent of immigrants that came through Ellis Island had to go home. If the immigrants can't handle the work force, there is nothing for them to do but fall back on welfare (Lind). Opposing statistics show that Americans use welfare more than immigrants do. This argument doesn't work for the simple fact that most immigrants haven't been in this country long enough to qualify for Social Security. Therefore we must use the other data which clearly shows that immigrants use welfare more. Another problem that has risen from immigration is crime. In 1986, 28 percent of the arrests for drug possession were illegal immigrants (Stacy). This may not seem like an overwhelming number, but just think if the United States could drop drug trafficking by 28 percent this would be a tremendous step forward. The immigration problem has gotten so bad on the Mexican American, border, that the border patrol have what they call " War Wagons" which are armored vans with bulletproof windows. Guarding a border of a nation that we are at peace with should not be that big of a problem. Most immigrants that enter the country both legally and illegally are trying to fin... ...osing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1998 pp. 84-88. Lind, Micheal. "Legal Immigration Harms American workers" Bender, David L. Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1998 pp. 79-83 Borjas, George. "Immigrants Abuse the Welfare System." Bender, David L. Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1998 pp. 97-102 Stacy, Palmer & Lutton, Wayne. "Illegal Immigrants Cause Crime." Bender, David L. Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1990 pp. 90-95 Martinez, Roberto. "Illegal Immigrants Are Victims of Crime." Bender, David L. Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1990 pp. 96-99 Lamm, Richard D. "The U.S. Should Limit Immigration." Bender, David L. Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1990 pp.105-112