Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Regulatory Measures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Regulatory Measures - Essay Example This paper will examine regulatory measures as stipulated in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO), Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Indeed, in 1991, the federal government through the United States Sentencing Commission enacted the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations to curb legal violations in organizations by imposing harsh penalties upon organizations whose employees or company representatives commit federal crimes (Ethics Resource Centre, 2005). Ideally, the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations would also guide the Federal Judges while convicting and punishing organizational defendants (Ethics Resource Centre, 2005). The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations came because of continued debate over the significance of instilling ethical conduct in organizations to guide the code of operations (Ferrell et al, 1998). Actually, the need for an ethical conduct emanated from the fact that org anizations continuously violated the law that governed their operations. Moreover, the ethical and legal challenges that faced the managers and employees of an organization necessitated the establishment of an ethics program and its compliance policy (Ethics Resource Centre, 2005). ... On the other hand, George W. Bush signed into law the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Zameeruddin, 2003). The Act proposed universal reforms on financial operators, lawyers, auditors, corporate board members, and other official that trade securities (Zameeruddin, 2003). The main aim of the Act was to prevent and punish corporate and accounting fraud and corruption as well as safeguarding the interests of the employees and shareholders. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 came as a result increasing of complex corporate and accounting scandals in the public sector (Independent Sector, 2013). Most specifically, the collapse of Enron and reports of accounting fraud at WorldCom, HealthSouth, and other leading firms in the US led the US Congress to enact the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Vakkur & Herrera-Vakkur, 2012). As such, there was a need to formulate laws to curb this trend and restore public trust in the corporate world. Additionally, the Act came into effect as a way of establishing an effe ctive oversight measure to the financial and accounting operations of an organization (Independent Sector, 2013). Furthermore, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) offers equal opportunities for the employer in compliance with federal law and seeks to create and maintain a vibrant and diverse workforce (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2013). The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau came because of increased discrimination in the membership in a labor organization, or any other organization that does not abhors merit. As such, it encourages professional development, retention on employees, and offers compensation and benefits packages to the employees. Ideally, we can establish that the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for

Monday, October 28, 2019

Statement of Purpose Essay Example for Free

Statement of Purpose Essay As a young child, I was attracted to sci-fi films because of exploration of the planets. Anyone, who has ever seen the television series â€Å"Star Wars,† will never forget the imposing space ships connecting planets, robot troops; dangerous battles in the space, and of course, two human-like robots. In the television series â€Å"Star Trek,† I really took part in adventures of the Enterprise spaceship to mysterious planets at the speed of light. These films gave me a question: â€Å"Can we create a machine having intelligence as human? The question is still haunting me, and becoming an computer engineering To indulge in natural science in my childhood, I became excellent in physics, chemistry, and especially in math. I had won three times in math competition, two in high school, and one in Tarrant County College. It seemed only logical that I pursue a career in computer engineering. In the realm of engineering, I have developed a special interest in the field of artificial intelligence and had taken a programming course. I was a technical assistant at Department of Automation and Robotics of Institute of Applied Mechanics in my country, Vietnam, I learned about its many practical applications, especially in relation to automation and robotic. It also helps me understand more about my major. Another particular interest of mine is theoretical physics. I am attracted by philosophy of physics, theoretical physics, Eastern philosophy ideologies about structure of the universe, similarities between meditator and scientists. Later I would like to work in the area of research and development for industry. It is in research and development that I will make the greatest contribution, utilizing my theoretical background and creativity as a scientist. As Sun Tzu said â€Å"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,† being admitted to SEO program is not only a good single step to begin my journey, but also the greatest chance for me to open the door of graduate school. The program will help me to gain practical experiences. It also gives me ideas what reality needs, so that I will have better direction to pursue in my professional goals.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Film Review of Blades of Glory Essay -- essays research papers

Blades of Glory, directed by Josh Gordon and Will Speck, is a hilarious comedy that turns figure skating into one big joke. This movie was so over-the-top, it was over over-the-top, but it kept the whole theater laughing throughout the entire movie, which is exactly what it was made to do. The movie’s plot is not very intricate, but it really doesn’t need to be. It’s about 2 Men’s Singles Figure Skaters that are the complete opposites of each other. Chazz Michael Michaels (Will Ferrell) is the notorious bad boy in figure skating, he’s very sexual and all the ladies swoon over him. Jimmy MacElroy (Jon Heder) is the good boy that pays attention to technical detail and precision. These two skaters compete against each other and end up getting a tie score for first place and the gold medal. Then, while on the podium, they start to bicker, and it leads to a brawl between the two of them. Because of that, they end up getting banned from Men’s Singles for the rest of their lives. The two of them find new, separate jobs, and after a while Jimmy’s stalker, Hector (Nick Swardsdon), tells...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Immigration Needs to be Restricted in America Essay -- Argumentative P

Immigration Needs to be Restricted in America Illegal immigration will cost the United States $280 billion dollars from 1995-2004. And that only counts for the immigrants that enter this country illegally. What of the legal immigrants that come to the United States and find it harder than they thought it would be? Most of these immigrants just go on welfare. Legal immigrants participate in 20.7 percent of all welfare programs while native citizens only participate in 14.1 percent (Borjas). This costs the American public millions of dollars every year. At the turn of the century 40 percent of immigrants that came through Ellis Island had to go home. If the immigrants can't handle the work force, there is nothing for them to do but fall back on welfare (Lind). Opposing statistics show that Americans use welfare more than immigrants do. This argument doesn't work for the simple fact that most immigrants haven't been in this country long enough to qualify for Social Security. Therefore we must use the other data which clearly shows that immigrants use welfare more. Another problem that has risen from immigration is crime. In 1986, 28 percent of the arrests for drug possession were illegal immigrants (Stacy). This may not seem like an overwhelming number, but just think if the United States could drop drug trafficking by 28 percent this would be a tremendous step forward. The immigration problem has gotten so bad on the Mexican American, border, that the border patrol have what they call " War Wagons" which are armored vans with bulletproof windows. Guarding a border of a nation that we are at peace with should not be that big of a problem. Most immigrants that enter the country both legally and illegally are trying to fin... ...osing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1998 pp. 84-88. Lind, Micheal. "Legal Immigration Harms American workers" Bender, David L. Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1998 pp. 79-83 Borjas, George. "Immigrants Abuse the Welfare System." Bender, David L. Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1998 pp. 97-102 Stacy, Palmer & Lutton, Wayne. "Illegal Immigrants Cause Crime." Bender, David L. Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1990 pp. 90-95 Martinez, Roberto. "Illegal Immigrants Are Victims of Crime." Bender, David L. Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1990 pp. 96-99 Lamm, Richard D. "The U.S. Should Limit Immigration." Bender, David L. Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc. 1990 pp.105-112

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organizational Theories Essay

The modernism and post modernism perspectives are beneficial in the successful operation of Wal-Mart stores. Wal-Mart is one of the most successful organizations with stores foreign and domestic making significant profits. Further, Wal-Mart applies both of the organizational perspectives for their advantages in areas such as power, structure, and technology. In addition, Wal-Mart utilizes modernism in the companies culture, roles, goals, ability to change, and conflict management. The two perspectives can are necessary for a company to become competitive in the retail markets. Thus, the evidence concludes that the postmodernism is more effective for organizational development of the two, for various kinds of business developments. Finally, Wal-Mart practices the modernism and post modernism perspective to have a competitive advantage. Organizational Perspectives The modernism and post modernism perspectives are beneficial in the successful operation of Wal-Mart retail stores. Wal-Mart is one of the most successful companies with stores located both foreign and domestic accumulating significant profits. Furthermore, Wal-Mart utilizes both of the organizational perspectives for their advantages in areas such as power, structure, and technology. In addition, Wal-Mart practices modernism and postmodernism in the companies culture, roles, goals, ability to change, and conflict management. The two organizational approaches are necessary for a company to become competitive in the retail markets. Thus, the evidence suggest that the postmodernism is more effective for organizational development of the two, for various types of business structures. Finally, Wal-Mart practices the modernism and post modernism perspective for a competitive advantage. Furthermore, the practice of successful modernism and postmodernism perspectives has caused Wal-Mart to become a retail leader. The modernism and post modernism applies strategies that has allowed the company to surpass their competition. Wal-Mart has gained substantial revenue within the recession to compensate their workers. In reference to Bruitt (2009) â€Å"Wal-Mart had record sales in the fourth quarter, boosting revenue in the year through January by 7.2 per cent to $401.2 billion. Wal-Mart announced the funds after its labor practices have come under scrutiny in recent years†(p.14). Unfortunately, when most companies have a lack of porfits during the recession Wal-Mart continues to increase financialy. The methods that are implemented in Wal-Marts success are beneficial for most retail operations to gain profits. According to Bahndari (2010) â€Å"Wal-Mart followed two important guidelines, among others, while going global. First, that the foreign country where it would like to establish its stores-should be closer to the the U.S. Secondly, this county should have a larger consumer base. â€Å"With those strategic guidelines† (p.79). Therefore,organizations will have to be competitive to compete in the same market. The relationship to Walt-Marts success is influenced through there ability to succeeded in multiple cities in large and small markets. Almost all of Walt-Mart stores in the U.S. are made identical. In reference to Hatch and Cunliffe (2006) â€Å"Modernist claim that â€Å"I saw( heard, smelled, tasted, or touched) my data, and you can confirm them for yourself by replicating my procedures† (p.15). Therefore, the replicating process has caused Wal-Mart to develop stores similar leading to the same results. In addition, the relation to the Postmodernism and Wal-Marts organizational theoretical concepts are among power. The authors Hatch and Cunliffe (2006) â€Å"Many Postmodernist concepts commit themselves to uncovering and challenging all forms power (including knowledge) in order to expose the sources of domination that are so easily taken for granted† p.16). The development of knowledge can be helpful in allowing companies to become more powerful. The authors Geisner, Riddleberg, Chistener and Bell (2010) â€Å"Business model innovation can provide significant opportunities both during periods of rapid economic growth and at times of turmoil. What is critical is to select the right type of business model given the economic environment and emerging market opportunities, and to address the internal factors that influence the organization’s ability to pursue required change† (p.17). In order for a business to become competitive it has to develop a strategy that is able to compete in various markets. Also,the post modernist perspective takes into consideration that an organization bases its self on power. A company that focuses on power through there organizational culture. According to Hatch and Cunliffe (2006) â€Å"Many post modernist commit themselves to uncovering and challenging all forms of power (including knowledge ) in order to expose the sources that are so easily taken for granted. They do so by decrying the privileged and bringing those people and ideas relegated to the margins† (p.16). Therefore, and organization that prides itself on power builds a competitive organization. Most monopolistic business use power to operate their company have large corporations such as Wal-mart, and Microsoft. A business that applies power often will have significant control of the their market. In addition, the modernist perspective takes into consideration that their goal is to increase productivity. The application of a modernist perspective will rely mostly on applications technological advancements. In reference to the author Hacth and Cunliffe (2006) â€Å"The modernist perspective focuses on the organization as an interdependent objective entity and takes a positive approach to to generating knowledge. Modernist organizations focus on how to increase efficiency, effectiveness and other objective indicators of application of theories related to structure and control† (p.20). The use of knowledge is beneficial in the way an organization can increase profits in a a business. Equally important, the application of a proper management practices can cause an organization to reach their profit goals. The use of a postmodern approach within a company uses several methods that can be applied such as behavioral, cultural and technological. A business will have to understand the behaviors of their employees and how to increase their morale. Employees who work within a company and have a lack of motivation do not work at their full potentials. According to Adelson and Soloway (1985) â€Å" individual behavior, team behavior and organizational behavior. Analysis of studies on individual and team behavior in software development environments reveals the failure of existing tools in supporting team-based software development† (p.1351). The evidence within the study found that behavior methods can help increase product development. Business that worked with a lack of proper team cohesiveness had problems with effective software development. According to Dawson (2006) â€Å"organization recognizes that it must allow the auditors, outsourcers and business implementers the flexibility to use innovative, streamlined best practices when applicable through preparation for the Sarbenses-Oxdey assessment† (p.157). Within a postmodern approach presents situation is evaluated to determine a strategy that help in the future for organizational development. Power Structure & Technology

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Analyis Of Farewell To Arms

Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms In Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms Fredrick Henry’s lust eventually turns to love for Catherine Barkley. Fredrick Henry is an American who is studying architecture in Rome when WWI starts. He joins the Italian army and becomes an officer in charge of overseeing the ambulances in a small town a few miles from the front. He likes to drink rather heavily with the other officers and goes with them to the local bordello. Him and his friend Rinaldi often talk about girls and the women of the bordello. â€Å"Here now we have beautiful girls. New girls never been to the front before† (11). Henry is happy with his flings and does not think much about them except that they are fun. Rinaldi meets two new women, two English nurses at the hospital and have just arrived to the town. Rinaldi takes Henry to meet the two nurses. Henry then meets Catherine Barkley and at first is only interested in her physically like he is with the other girls. When he goes the next couple of afternoons to see her he acts like he is playing a game. One visit he tries to kiss her and gets slapped for it but this only worked to his advantage. â€Å"I was angry and yet certain, seeing it all ahead like the moves in a chess game† (26). He plays it off and is able to finally get a kiss from her.... Free Essays on Analyis Of Farewell To Arms Free Essays on Analyis Of Farewell To Arms Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms In Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms Fredrick Henry’s lust eventually turns to love for Catherine Barkley. Fredrick Henry is an American who is studying architecture in Rome when WWI starts. He joins the Italian army and becomes an officer in charge of overseeing the ambulances in a small town a few miles from the front. He likes to drink rather heavily with the other officers and goes with them to the local bordello. Him and his friend Rinaldi often talk about girls and the women of the bordello. â€Å"Here now we have beautiful girls. New girls never been to the front before† (11). Henry is happy with his flings and does not think much about them except that they are fun. Rinaldi meets two new women, two English nurses at the hospital and have just arrived to the town. Rinaldi takes Henry to meet the two nurses. Henry then meets Catherine Barkley and at first is only interested in her physically like he is with the other girls. When he goes the next couple of afternoons to see her he acts like he is playing a game. One visit he tries to kiss her and gets slapped for it but this only worked to his advantage. â€Å"I was angry and yet certain, seeing it all ahead like the moves in a chess game† (26). He plays it off and is able to finally get a kiss from her....

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Reading Report

Bibliography Reading Report My degree thesis is focusing on the topic of  ¡Ã‚ °Study and comparison of the algorithms for pitch determination in Speech Recognition ¡Ã‚ ±. During these 3 weeks, I was studying on the basic theories of Speech Recognition, reading related chapters in two books as well as four reference papers. A rudimentary picture of speech recognition comes up in my mind and here I would make a brief review in order to carry out following research. The speech signal is a non-stationary stochastic process. Because of this time-variant characteristic, we should divide the signal into short segment sequence, with one segment called a frame, often 5~50ms for general applications. In each frame, the signal can be deemed as stationary so that some existent theories of signal processing can be used to analyze the speech. There are two types of speech sound called Unvoiced and Voiced. The voiced sound has periodicity to some extent while an unvoiced one is nearly random noise. The periodicity sets the pitch of a voiced sound. The difference between the voiced and unvoiced plays an important role in pitch determination, aiming at detection of the periodicity of the voiced sound and thus recognizing or synthesizing the produced sound. Pitch determination is one of the most important and difficult tasks in speech processing. Many pitch determination algorithms have been developed, three of which will be covered in my future work. They are  ¡Ã‚ °Short-time Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF) ¡Ã‚ ±,  ¡Ã‚ °Homomorphic speech signal processing ¡Ã‚ ± and  ¡Ã‚ °Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) ¡Ã‚ ±. All of these methods use the periodicity of the voiced sound. General ideas will be discussed later. Let ¡Ã‚ ¯s take a look at the fundamental but essential features of speech signal: short time stationarity and periodicity of the voiced. These two characteristics lead us to use the auto-correlation function to recognize ... Free Essays on Reading Report Free Essays on Reading Report Bibliography Reading Report My degree thesis is focusing on the topic of  ¡Ã‚ °Study and comparison of the algorithms for pitch determination in Speech Recognition ¡Ã‚ ±. During these 3 weeks, I was studying on the basic theories of Speech Recognition, reading related chapters in two books as well as four reference papers. A rudimentary picture of speech recognition comes up in my mind and here I would make a brief review in order to carry out following research. The speech signal is a non-stationary stochastic process. Because of this time-variant characteristic, we should divide the signal into short segment sequence, with one segment called a frame, often 5~50ms for general applications. In each frame, the signal can be deemed as stationary so that some existent theories of signal processing can be used to analyze the speech. There are two types of speech sound called Unvoiced and Voiced. The voiced sound has periodicity to some extent while an unvoiced one is nearly random noise. The periodicity sets the pitch of a voiced sound. The difference between the voiced and unvoiced plays an important role in pitch determination, aiming at detection of the periodicity of the voiced sound and thus recognizing or synthesizing the produced sound. Pitch determination is one of the most important and difficult tasks in speech processing. Many pitch determination algorithms have been developed, three of which will be covered in my future work. They are  ¡Ã‚ °Short-time Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF) ¡Ã‚ ±,  ¡Ã‚ °Homomorphic speech signal processing ¡Ã‚ ± and  ¡Ã‚ °Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) ¡Ã‚ ±. All of these methods use the periodicity of the voiced sound. General ideas will be discussed later. Let ¡Ã‚ ¯s take a look at the fundamental but essential features of speech signal: short time stationarity and periodicity of the voiced. These two characteristics lead us to use the auto-correlation function to recognize ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

15 Best Jobs in the World [Video]

15 Best Jobs in the World [Video] The job possibilities out there extend beyond your wildest imagination. Astronaut? Sure, that seems pretty awesome. But what if you could get paid to ride waterslides and tell how you feel about them? More awesome. Or how about getting paid to taste chocolate? Sign us up, please. Check out the following Wacky Wednesday profile of jobs that seem too good to be true: from Professional Zombie (really) to Luxury Bed Tester. Here are the 15 Best Jobs in the World right now!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Contemporary Moral Issue (Philosophy) Assignment

Contemporary Moral Issue (Philosophy) - Assignment Example This is a number which cannot be determined with accuracy. The number is in the thousands, however, the exact number cannot be determined. One can only determine the answer to this question by saying the number of lives lost on September 11, 2001, exceeded one thousand. Based upon the number’s one can declare that the lives lost would be a moral determinant in declaring war. Whether, or not the governments of Afghanistan, and Iraq have been harboring terrorists is a question open to debate. One cannot determine with accuracy whether, or not the governments of Afghanistan, and Iraq have been harboring terrorists. Therefore, to base the morality of the War on Terrorism on this question alone would be difficult. How could one determine this with accuracy? If the governments of Afghanistan, and Iraq were harboring terrorists then it would make the war morally correct. To determine the morality of the War on Terrorism based on how many new powers law enforcement has been given through the United States Patriot Act is almost up for debate it. How could be one mind the new powers given to law enforcement through the USA Patriot Act? Whether, or not terrorists are being tortured in Iraq, and Afghanistan is open for debate. There is no factual evidence whether, or not the terrorists are being tortured. If terrorists are being tortured this would be an immoral act in itself. However, this would not make the War on Terrorism an immoral act. How many soldiers, and civilians were killed in Iraq is up for debate. One might say it is part of being in the middle of a war zone. This is part of the soldier’s job. The soldiers knew there might be a chance of death when the soldiers joined the military. Whether, or not the death of the soldiers, and civilians makes the War on Terrorism, an immoral act should not be debated. The civilian deaths are a tragedy, but only a mere side

Friday, October 18, 2019

Digital Digest of Mexican Art in the News Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Digital Digest of Mexican Art in the News - Essay Example One of the works of art that still being admired in today’s era is the Nativity Group with Angel of the 18th Century Guatemalan. This piece of art describes the era of crucifixion and shows the mother of Christ, Mary and his father Joseph. They are clothed in silk robes which signify a touch of the Asian fashion. This drawing depicts the Virgin Mary as in the face of a Hispano-Philippine. This is deduced from the eyes being heavy-lidded and the oval face that is braced with pure countenance. The drawing also depicts the usual culture of the silk from the Chinese that is attained through the Galleon trade. The design that was generated by the workshops that created the Guatemalan sculptures maintained a constant style over the years. The paint also demonstrates the influence of Guatemalan estofado through the use of gold textiles and silk that was lavish. This was achieved through a unique form of painting that had more freedom to try out different styles enables variety witnessed in the sculptures. They used a variety of patterns and the painting can therefore effectively be used to determine the setting that was intended to be expressed. This painting is of great value and is also describes the culture of Spanish American style. The portrait is put together with wood, polychrome and glided. It has eyes made of glass and halos that are silver-glint. Jose Manuel de Cervantes y Velasco is a portrait that dates to 1805. It is of a toddler and depicts him lying in a coffin that is lace-trimmed. This toddler is dressed just like the Archangel Michael with wings that are jewel studded and a crown that is plumed. Both of the above paintings, though from different artists are a depiction of culture and a window into historical beliefs. The Nativity group angel and the Jose Manuel de Cervantes y Velasco are portraits that were developed with great keenness to detail. The grace captured in the portraits is almost tangible at

The Interaction between My Birth Order and My Personality Essay

The Interaction between My Birth Order and My Personality - Essay Example According to Sulloway, the birth order of an individual ‘‘is a good predictor about one’s revolutionary creativity where firstborns are conservatives while the lastborns are more likely to become freethinkers’’ (Boynton 72). An individual’s personality is a replica of the strategies used by siblings in competing with each other, in securing a place in the family and surviving the tribulations of childhood. The Darwin’s theory is replicated in the family dynamics where ‘‘children use adaptive tactics to differentiate themselves’’. Based on the differences of ‘‘birth order, physical traits, gender and temperament; children define their different roles in the family. From Sulloway’s perspectives, some persons are born to rebel based on their birth order’’ (Boynton 72). This paper seeks to assess the impacts of my birth order as a firstborn in the family to my personality and is base d on the belief that I am the way I am due to interactions with my siblings and parents and my birth order. Generally, I am assertive, responsible, dependable and kind-hearted. Relationship between My Personality and Birth Order and Interactions with the Family I am an introverted sensing feeling judging (ISFJ) person judging from my results of a Human Metrics test I carried out. As an ISFJ person, I am a nurturer of others and this can be traced back to my childhood when I had to take care of my younger siblings whenever my parents were away (Human Metrics 1). I am kind-hearted and warm which I feel I learnt during my childhood as I always had to let my younger siblings have a share of presents brought by our parents before I could have my share. Moreover, I am and have always been willing to share what I have with my siblings. As I grew up, my parents shaped my personality given that they always required that I take care of my sibling in school and at home especially when playing. This made me come to value the good of all. According to Human Metrics, an ISFJ person lives in a world that is kind and concrete (Human Metrics 1). Moreover, they value cooperation and harmony and are likely to become sensitive to the feelings of others. This fits into my personality given that I feel that sometimes I get too protective of others which can be traced to my birth order and interaction in the family. This is supported by what Sulloway found where he argued that firstborns are defensive than children later in the family (Boynton 73). I am also assertive where I belief that my ideas are always varied and I always defend them to the end. This was also identified to be a character of firstborns by Sulloway and this may be attributed to the fact that firstborns have their ideas given much consideration and sometimes have to make decisions for the younger siblings. My sense of self confidence is usually high and get no problems whenever putting across my ideas. I belief th is can be attributed to the fact that from an early age, my younger siblings had much trust on everything that I tell them boosting my confidence. Moreover, my parents would tell the younger siblings to get guidance from me in case they set out to carry out a particular task. Consequently, from an early age I knew I had the desired skills and knowledge to influence and guide others. I learn a new idea best through practical

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Venezuela - Hugo Chvez Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Venezuela - Hugo Chvez - Essay Example After becoming president, Chavez embarked on social reforms. These included seeking for 20,000 trained personnel from Cuba who comprised of educators and medics in exchange for oil. Unfortunately, even with social and economic benefits, on April, 2002, a few military officers organized a coup to overthrow Chavez and later succeeded. The new leader was later opposed by the masses that brought Chavez back to power. This forced him to moderate some of his radical decisions of dismissing the board of directors in oil. The illness of Chavez becomes a major issue for a long time. This prompted him to announce to his country of the need to undergo operation to remove cancerous cells in his system. However, the efforts and those of his team did not help matters. Two years later, on March, 2013, the vice-president announcing the death of Hugo Chavez. Chavez is widely remembered as a socialist and radical president who put Venezuela on the international map in terms of progressive economy. This resulted to differences with the US that labeled a place for terrorists especially in its War on Terror. Hugo Chavez is a leftist Marxist who became president in 1999 with sweeping popularity. In collaboration with Latin American leaders such as Cuban Revolutionary Fidel Castro and Lula da Silva of Brazil, Chavez performed his pledges and promises of using Venezuela’s oil to achieve beneficial economic guidelines. Chavez arose from a poverty-stricken family, Catholic, but moderately happy where he improved his hobbies that included writing, drawing, and playing baseball. He also adopted strong political ideas. The presidency of Chavez championed the banning of the neoliberal economic policies that had resulted to bad inflation. As a result, the economy dropped significantly and the urgency for a regime change increased. Chavez became president

Municipal Government in Canada Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Municipal Government in Canada - Term Paper Example The Municipal Government in Canada includes municipalities, villages, towns and cities. Municipalities entail a variety of rural municipalities likewise to metropolitan and regional governments that cater for huge urban areas. Responsibilities and powers which the Municipal Government in Canada exercise are normally set out in a general municipal statute also called the Municipal Act, Cities and Towns Act, Local Government Act and the Municipal Act (Bens and Charles K, 1986). Municipal Governments in Canada form policies, ensure their implementation and raise revenue which forms the large portion of sources which are the real property taxes and grants from provincial governments. Municipal Governments in Canada are responsible in forming policies which run the local governments and raise of revenue sources; which acts as the local legislature. In the constitutional Act, 1982, the Municipal Governments in Canada have their powers determined by provincial governments though their perfo rmance is evaluated by electorate in normal elections. 2. Are the principles and techniques of new public management still relevant in municipal government in Canada? Principles and techniques of new public management are still significant within the municipal government in Canada as they help in provision of Education, health, social services and finance. 2.1. Education, health and social services Secondary and elementary education is offered by school boards who are the school authorities which are usually independent from the local governments. These are also responsible to their own electorate of financing, administration and standards of education. School boards usually don’t gather taxes directly and rather there is the requisition of funds from the local municipalities who collect property taxes in their jurisdiction. Bens and Charles K (1986), the commissions, agencies and special boards also regarded as the components of Municipal Governments in Canada formed to eith er administer the functions usual to several separate municipalities or offer special services are generally regarded as outside mandate of ordinary town or city government. There is a changing pattern of performance responsibility in provision of welfare and health care. Within some provinces in Canada, the health providing units operate under the local provincial control and are almost taken the entire responsibility locally. In the field of welfare, care of the aged usually referred in Canada as seniors in terms of old age pensions, has established as the federal government function since 1920s (Richard Tindal and Susan, 1992). Huge responsibilities for other welfare services have slowly been considered by provincial and federal governments after their requirement and needswent beyond what the local authorities could offer (Bens and Charles K, 1986). 2.2. Finance Municipal Governments in Canada get their entire authority from provincial legislatures hence they have the minimum au tonomy in Canadian government. This is both a weakness and strength for them. Municipal Governments in Canada are normally considered to be the most financially prudent due to their stringent balanced budget needs and debts limits positioned them on provincial governments; with latter at least allowing borrowing on capital account (Richard Tindal and Susan, 1992). In most provinces there is the commission or municipal boards elected by

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Venezuela - Hugo Chvez Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Venezuela - Hugo Chvez - Essay Example After becoming president, Chavez embarked on social reforms. These included seeking for 20,000 trained personnel from Cuba who comprised of educators and medics in exchange for oil. Unfortunately, even with social and economic benefits, on April, 2002, a few military officers organized a coup to overthrow Chavez and later succeeded. The new leader was later opposed by the masses that brought Chavez back to power. This forced him to moderate some of his radical decisions of dismissing the board of directors in oil. The illness of Chavez becomes a major issue for a long time. This prompted him to announce to his country of the need to undergo operation to remove cancerous cells in his system. However, the efforts and those of his team did not help matters. Two years later, on March, 2013, the vice-president announcing the death of Hugo Chavez. Chavez is widely remembered as a socialist and radical president who put Venezuela on the international map in terms of progressive economy. This resulted to differences with the US that labeled a place for terrorists especially in its War on Terror. Hugo Chavez is a leftist Marxist who became president in 1999 with sweeping popularity. In collaboration with Latin American leaders such as Cuban Revolutionary Fidel Castro and Lula da Silva of Brazil, Chavez performed his pledges and promises of using Venezuela’s oil to achieve beneficial economic guidelines. Chavez arose from a poverty-stricken family, Catholic, but moderately happy where he improved his hobbies that included writing, drawing, and playing baseball. He also adopted strong political ideas. The presidency of Chavez championed the banning of the neoliberal economic policies that had resulted to bad inflation. As a result, the economy dropped significantly and the urgency for a regime change increased. Chavez became president

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Recruitment Memorandum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Recruitment Memorandum - Essay Example A great majority of the fire fighters are male and white, mainly with an Italian or Irish descent. The recruitment process did not favor the minorities who had poor quality education; they were usually given essay-based tests, which they performed poorly. Another flaw that was evident in the process was insufficient advertising for the available positions; it was usually done through a word of mouth through the preexisting staff. Various aspects of the recruitment process presented lack of credibility in the recruitment process. Firstly, racial discrimination is quite evident; it is ethical and legal to give all people a fair chance in a recruitment process. However, even if the minority group is incapable of competing effectively with the dominant race, special provisions should be set for them. The current situation in the firefighting department demonstrates racism of high order. This may mean that the unrepresented races may feel insecure and may have no confidence with the services offered by the department. Secondly, the gender discrimination is a major issue that requires attention. The view that almost all the employees are male creates an impression that women are incapable of firefighting, which is not true. A special consideration should be made to incorporate women especially in areas that do not involve much use of muscle power. Thirdly, the administration of exams as the only selection criteria does not meet the threshold of identify who can serve the firefighting department best, other strategies are required. Finally, the advertisement of the vacancies is not well done. When it is only done through the word of mouth, it means a limited group of people will get the opportunity to get the information. It is obvious that the most targeted will be the relatives and friends to the existing staff members. Â  

The Gospel according to Matthew Essay Example for Free

The Gospel according to Matthew Essay It is said that the ideas of Liberation Theology espoused by the more liberal elements of the Catholic Church is found the gospel according to (Saint) Matthew. one of the four major gospels in the New Testament. From the word itself, the words written here imply the truth and is considered sacronsanct and leaves no room for doubt. The gospel essentially states that Jesus is the messiah sent by God to the world. The question is how is Liberation Theology and social justice related to Matthews gospel? In the understanding of the Jews, as well as Liberation Theologists, when Jesus clashed with the Pharisees and scribes, it suggested that his teachings, as shown in Matthews gospel contain a message of social justice. This is underscored in one of the Eight Beatitudes, â€Å"Blessed are the lowly; they shall inherit the earth† (New American Bible, Matt. 5:5) and If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me (Matt. 19:21). I for one sees that this makes sense. Matthews teachings do evoke the need for social justice which can be inferred here as the hallmark of a true Christian regardless of the denomination one belongs to and not a nominal one where he is Christian by affiliation but not in practice. However, that is the extent of my agreement. Liberation theologists have a tendency to take it very far to demand change in governments by colluding with revolutionary movements just because they do not agree. When Jesus came to this world, this was what the Jews also thought but Christ reminded them he did not come to this world to be a political leader and liberate them from their political masters. He came to offer them something better and it is a matter of accepting this invitation to the kingdom of heaven. Works Cited New Amercian Bible. Camden, New Jersey: Thomas Nelson, Inc. , 1970.

Monday, October 14, 2019

FedEx Organisational Resources Management

FedEx Organisational Resources Management FedEx is a transportation corporation started in 1973, who came in to the industry with a very different approach and tried to outperform their competitors. In fact there were quite successful to a large extent in doing that. This paper contains discussion about the various strategies they have used to do so, as well as the end results. It also contains analysis on how they have made changes to their strategies as there were changes in the Information technology or Economic environments. Introduction Strategy defines how all the elements of what a company does fit together. (Porter, 2001) Having a vision for a company is quite different from having a strategy. Vision is the aims or objectives we have for our business that we would like to achieve over a period of time and Strategy is the design or steps that we use to achieve those objectives. FedEx started in 1973 with a vision to gain the market share by targeting a niche market and providing them with a different service. They want to use the 3 factors which they thought are going to be very helpful to make them succeed. Globalisation Advances in IT Application of new technologies for process efficiencies (Ali and Pauline, 2000) With the implementation of IT and the boom to the internet, they made sure they had the proper use of their Value and Supply chain, thus transforming and making a huge success in the Logistics industry. In this paper I am going to discuss as in how they have managed to achieve the success as well as the mistakes they have made after the success. Strategy Having a Strategy is one of the most important parts of being successful in a business, as sometime that is what leads to the success. Strategy defines the goals for the organisation over a long period of time and helps the organisation in achieving them. Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long term: which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging business environment, to meet that needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectations (Johnson and Scholes, 2008) Strategy can be defined as the rules and actions used to steer a business towards making much more money (Richard Koch and Peter Nieuwenhuizen, 2006) 2.1 Need for Strategy There is a definite need for organisations to have a Global Corporate Strategy, as it not only directs them towards achieving the goals they have, but will also help them in achieving them in a planned way. Some of factors or concepts that organisations depend on while designing their Strategy are What are the goals and aims of the business? How can they face the competition? What does the consumers, employee, management and all the stakeholders expect from the organisation? What are the resources available? 2.2 Porters Generic Strategic Framework According to porter, having a strategy is nothing but making sure the expenses and the cost of production are lower than the sale price, thus making a profit on the initial investment. In other words the firm may choose to provide products at the lowest possible price, or seek to provide products which although perhaps more expensive are differentiated on the basis which the customer finds important. He has identified the three strategies as overall cost leadership, Differentiation and focus. (Marios I. Katsioloudes, 2002) The Generic Strategy framework Adapter from (Michael E Porter, 1985) Cost Leadership Differentiation Cost Focus Differentiation Focus Being Different from the Competition as well as being a Cost Leader is what FedEx has achieved from the time it has started. With the vision they have for company they have started the business different to what their competitors were offering to the consumers. Even though they have started the business targeting a Niche market that were willing to pay a premium to get the goods delivered the next day, FedEx were able to transforms from a focussed Strategy to more of a Differentiation and Cost effective Strategy. 2.3 Strategic Vision behind FedEx Corporation, The aim of having a strategy is to gain advantage over the competition and thus getting the market share to make profits. The goal of strategy is to achieve a superior long-term return on investment and Economic value is created when customers are willing to pay a price for a product or service that exceeds the cost of producing it. (Porter, 2001) Under the leadership of Fred Smith, FedEx not only made sure it had a strategic vision, but it also proved that with by using proper techniques it can grow and gain the market share. Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long term: which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging business environment, to meet that needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectations (Johnson and Scholes, 2008) Human resource management is responsible for how people are treated in organizations. It is responsible for the bringing people into the organization, helping them perform their work, compensating them for their labors and solving the problems that arise (Cherrington 1995, p.5). 2.4 STRATEGIC ADVANTAGES FOR HR PLANNING There are a number of more specific reasons for resorting to HR planning exercises at the level of the undertaking, reasons that can make the exercise essential. These are: 1. To establish the best cost balance between plant and manpower utilization. 2. To determine recruitment, level wise and occupation wise 3. Ensure that we do not inherit surplus manpower hired on account of an incompetent CEO. 4. To provide a basis for management development programs 3 STRATEGIES FOR HUMAN RESOURCE Recruitment: This is the very basic function of the human resource management dept. The first step in the development of a concerns personals activity is to employ the right type of person to operate the organization. Employing people are one of the most critical step in establishing and growth of business. Recruitment is the major step in the total staffing process. Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the concern. FedEx being a global company, a separate HR dept works out for this function. Given below is the process of their recruitment- Inviting the application Screening and selecting the appropriate applications Aptitude test Interviews (both HR and operation) Placement induction and orientation Remuneration: Right remuneration should be given to employees according to their services rendered to the organization. For deciding fair remuneration following points should be considered: 1) Job evaluation and job analysis. 2) Merit rating of employees/ performance appraisal. 3) Incentive schemes 4) Profit sharing Being a job requiring high level of skills and motivation, FedEx keeps a constant eye on performance of employees to fix remuneration. Promotion, Transfer Termination: Promotion and transfers are essential features of human resource management. For increasing the skills and high level of efficiency, it is essential to frame proper promotion policy. Systematic promotional programmers should be arranged which are based upon seniority, qualifications, period of service, experience, etc. Transfer involves shifting of an employee from one job to another job without changing responsibilities and remuneration .In order to adjust existing staff internal transfers are essential. Within various departments of FedEx and within various group companies, transfers take place. Rewards Incentives Almost 50% of all FedEx spending goes to employee pay and benefits. Employee compensation is structured to acknowledge individual effort, stimulate new ideas, encourage outstanding performance and promote teamwork. All of these factors are reflected in the employees Compensation and Rewards.   4 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Human Resource Management is considered as the philosophy, policies, procedures and practices that are connected to the administration of the employees of an organization. It is connected and related to the administration of the employees of a company. It has a great contribution in successful process of attracting, developing, motivating as well as maintaining a high-performing workforce that helps to add to the competitive advantage of the organization (Sims 2002 pp. 2 3).   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Furthermore, HR has a great impact with the institution and the implementation of the different policies, programs and procedures that can affect the success and failure of the performance, competences as well as the loyalty of the entire workforce of the organization. Because of the policies and procedures, individuals are being attracted, retained, motivated as well as developed in order to perform the work of the organization. This is due to the fact that through these policies and procedures, the organization will seek to mold as well as shape the actions of the employees in order to operate successfully. Thus, comply with the different public policies, offer high quality of employment that will help to improve and maintain the position of the company in the market by the process of reinforced ability to compete and serve (Clardy 1996, p. 1).   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Above all, the process of incorporating the top managements goals to the HRM practices and policies will help to bring out as well as reward the different types of behavior that are important in achieving the strategy of organization. The effectiveness of the HRM practices can help to improve the competitive advantage in creating both the cist leadership and differentiation (Sims 2002, p. 5). 5 Strategic Human Resource Management   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  The main goal of the strategic human resource or SHRM is the improvement of the way HR are managed in strategic manner in the organization, with the connection to the definitive goal of the improvement organizational performance, that are judged by its influence on the corporate strategy of the company, and the concern of the customers and shareholders (Brewster Mayrhofer 2000, p.6).   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   HRM can help to determine the HR needs in order to support the strategic objectives as well as to ensure that all of the employees are selected, trained, evaluated as well as rewarded in ways that helps to achieve the objectives of the business. In addition, the strategic HRM is a linear, balanced process that begins with the identification of the goals that will server as guidelines in the HR practices. Above all, the integration of the HR programs with the goals of the entire organization can help to increase the value of the organization (Burke Cooper 2004, p. 92). 6 FedEx Express and Strategic Human Resource   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  One of the most important strategies of the company that made them different from their competitor is their superior customer service and effective and efficient on-time deliveries. On the other hand, since the same basic and vital technologies are also available and offered in other competitors such as UPS and DHL, the workforce of FedEx is considered as the crucial competitive advantage for the company (Ahmed Ullah 2006).   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   The overall HR strategy of the company focuses on the process of building a committed, competent as well as customer-oriented workforce.   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Training is considered as the most important events at FedEx, in order for the company to meet their goal of 100% customer satisfactory. It has a promotion from within policy. It undertakes as well as arranges extensive training for all of the employees as well as the managers that covers the quality management, leadership concepts as well as the philosophy of the company (Ahmed Ullah 2006).   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   The retention of talents is also one of the most important strategies of the company. It has a turnover rate of 1%, having to show that they have the most effective way of keeping their employees. The main reason behind the said success is that the company is offering high career opportunities, the result of the policy that employees are being promoted from within. Because of the said policy, the company had been able to recognize the efforts of its people through awards, open communications as well as other incentives. Employee retention is directly connected with the recruitment and employee relations of the company. They influenced each other. In the case of Federal Express, it begins its retention efforts by the process of centralizing its recruitment efforts. By doing the said activity, the company had been able to maintain and retain their employees, and improves their skills, by making sure that each and every employee is receiving proper training in terms of job performance skills (Denton 1992). It helped the productivity of the company, by making sure that all of its employees are experienced and knowledgeable. People-Service-Profits   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Like any other companies, Federal Express Corporation believes that people is its greatest asset. The main focus of the company is to promote a good working environment where in all of the stakeholders will feel respected, satisfied as well as appreciated. The main thinking of FedEx is that there people are the primary entity in the value chain, that is why it is important to focus on the employees first.   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   The People-Service-Profits policy is being implemented by asking as well as answering different basic questions, such as what are the expectations and things that must do. The company tries to spend times in order to answer the questions for their personnel by extensive orientation programs that will show and define the entire values of the company (Denton, 1992).   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Above all, the company strictly implements their promotion from within and with connection to the progression policy. It also uses Information Technology or IT in order to implement an extensive job posting system that will enables the employees to be informed regarding the different opportunities. When a specific position is open and available, notices are all posted in the entire vicinity of the company in order to inform the employees (Denton, 1992) 7 Recommendation   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   It had been showed that FedEx has a strong relationship with the most important entity or stakeholder, the employees or human resource. The company had been able to retain their talents that helped them to maintain productivity, thus maintain competitive advantage of FedEx. There are different aspects that must be maintain and done such as the career development. This is an ongoing, formalized effort of the organization that aims on the development and enrichment of the human resource of the company that will target both the needs of the employees as well as the entire organization (Denton 1992).   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Another important thing that must be considered is the internal communications. By doing this, the company will be able to maintain their direct and sound relationship and communication with the employees that will enable them to know what are the employees needs and demands that will help and push motivation. 8 Conclusion Even though there were major dips in the profits I personally feel FedEx having the advantage of the Brand name behind them would be and should be able to gain the advantage back on its consumers and adding on to that the company anticipated having to spend 100 million dollar over the changes they have made and the new method they have implemented (Ali and Pauline, 2000) Even though it was a major mistake not to include their acquisitions in to their brand as and when they were acquired, as well as merging the subsidiaries who were in to the same logistics business was a huge mistake that should never be done and especially considering the fact that FedEx is a huge corporation, it learned it mistake and hopefully will be able to achieve what Smith has mentioned before the rebranding in 2000 (Ali and Pauline, 2000) Organizations are driven by human capital and it is crucial to have a scientific look at this factor of production. Human resource is a key economic resource, and a scare one. It therefore demands the same attention a company gives to planning sales, investment or profits. It is this fact that has led to the development of manpower planning among an increasing number of business organizations. For the company, the returns from manpower planning can be measured in term of higher efficiency and productivity as a result of better utilization of its manpower resources and the elimination of waste in recruitment, training and other personnel schemes. The benefits to the individual employee and the country are not less important.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

I Am a Chinese American :: Personal Narrative Writing

I Am a Chinese American. My feminine appearance made people believe that I was an obedient person, but instead I am an independent, aggressive individual. When I was young, my mother always sewed me those girlish, baby-doll dresses. Every morning, she tied my hair into two little ponytails with red ribbons. She made me look like an obedient, typical Chinese girl, like the ones I later saw in New York on Channel 31. Shy, like those little girls who always held their mother's hands tight. On a breezy cold morning in China, Mother always woke up before dawn to prepare breakfast for us, then went food shopping. I sometimes followed her to the crowded marketplace, where the vendors shouted in public like maniacs. The old coffee shop behind the market never seemed to receive any attention from the shoppers. The sticky window and its broken sign made it look like a ruined Confucian temple. I could barely see the old waiter's face through the dirty glass door. Behind all this dirtiness, those delicious smells conquered me, but once I sat down at that brownish wood table, I began to lose my appetite. The dirty spots on the table reminded me of someone's freckled face. The old waiter always pinched my chubby red cheeks with his greasy fingers. I immediately felt like one of those roasted ducks hung near the window. I wanted to scream, but his sincere smile and sweet compliments traded for my forgiveness. Ironically, I loved this place, especially that old waiter. He made me f eel like a princess. I could see my mother smile like she had just won the lottery. How proud she felt to have me as her daughter! My obedient appearance had actually pleased her. When I marched out of that old coffee shop with my mother and her mah jong crew speaking loudly, I felt like people were staring at me, laughing at my dress, that flowery silk dress with shiny sequins sewn to each side of the collars. I looked like a doll, except I was just a bit too fat to fit into that tight dress. One could easily define my little tummy hanging underneath the softness of the silk. Whenever I had those light canvas shoes on, I could feel the lumpy surface of the sidewalk; but I looked extremely pretty. How girlish I looked. Everyone was impressed with the way my mother dressed me and believed in the image that she had built for me.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

History of Streptococcus Pyogenes :: Biomedical

History of Streptococcus Pyogenes Abstract: With the earliest recordings coming from the Fifth Century B.C., streptococcus pyogenes, and more frequently, its symptoms have been prevalent among doctors and historians for hundreds of years. The first mentioning of streptococcus pyogenes is to be credited to Hippocrates, in which he describes the relative symptoms of the flesh-eating bacteria in its early stages. Then depicted by Billroth in 1874, patients carrying erysipelas were determined to have this certain bacterial infection. In 1883, the chain-forming bacteria were isolated by Fehleisen; and in the following year, Rosenbach applied the S. pyogenes name. Further advances in hemolytic and non-hemolytic studies were made by Lancefield in the 1930’s, in which the alpha, beta, and gamma subgroups of the hemolytic structures – detailed and defined by Schottmueller and Brown - were divided into serotypes. Although he lived four centuries before the birth of Christ, a man named Hippocrates recorded the symptoms of diseases we still see to this day. Known as the â€Å"Father of Medicine† (Hippocrates), Hippocrates was an ancient physician who studied and recorded his observances of the body’s infections and physiology. He set forth the foundation for future physicians, and in doing so, is accredited for our knowledge of infectious diseases in earlier centuries. During this time however, many believed the earth and its inhabitants were composed of four general elements: air, water, fire, and dirt. They also believed that any one person who fell ill was being punished by the gods. As a foresighted thinker though, Hippocrates encouraged the idea that humans became ill due to natural causes. In that wisdom, he recorded all his observances of his patients and their illnesses, taking careful note of the bodily symptoms and their progression. Described in his works, Hippocrates mentioned scarlet fever-like symptoms, 2 those that correlate to the flesh-eating bacteria now known as streptococcus pyogenes. Due to Hippocrates’ acts as a pioneer in the medical field, these chronicles are the first recordings we have of the existence of the bacteria. Centuries later, another man began to outline more thoroughly the features and symptoms of several afflictions. Theodor Billroth, a Viennese surgeon described streptococci, staphylococci, diplococci, and even rods found in pus as intervals regarded in a distinct species: Coccobacteria septica (Breed). He investigated the roles of the bacteria and entwined their origin. Billroth noticed specific bacteria in those with erysipelas; he named the bacteria streptococcus from the two Greek words strepto meaning a chain formed of links, and coccus meaning berry.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Assess the extent to which we can uncover Essay

Official crime statistics report crime levels have been reported to be steadily falling since 1995, although showing a slight increase in burglaries. These official statistics are released by the Home Office, and are collected from police records in the UK, these statistics are widely regarded to be a true and accurate measure of crime, despite evidence suggesting otherwise. Another way of recording crime is through self report studies, which although does give out some indication of crime levels, it is considered to be inaccurate due to the anonymity of those surveyed meaning there is a chance of exaggeration or lying. A more reliable source would perhaps be a victim survey such as the BCS, a large scale survey conducted in the UK, which enables victims to report crime. Criminologists have used these to try to decrease the amount of unknown or unrecorded crime. Yet again this gives those surveyed the cover of anonymity, which could result in exaggeration, underplaying the crime, or just lying. Not only is this but it is open to mistakes due to relying on the memories of its participants, which may mean the results are wrong. Also there is a problem in that victims are categorising the crimes themselves, and so it may exaggerate some forms of crime, making them out to be more or less serious. Studies found too that types of corporate crime tended to be ignored; due to there it is seen as ‘minor’ compared to assault for example. Sexual crimes also tend not to be reported; due to the stigma’s attached to them. Young people are too excluded from this survey, as only over 18’s participate, and so a large majority of the population is ignored, and this means that victims of on-going child abuse can’t report being a victim. This obviously is one explanation as to how these statistics cannot be relied on to be wholly reliable. One argument against official crime statistics is that they are a record of crime, which are recorded by police, rather than of crimes reported to police, minor crimes for example like petty theft or vandalism may not be thought of as serious enough to record and therefore would not be included in the report. Another type of crime which falls into this category is domestic violence; many of these crimes aren’t recorded, due to the fact that it is so difficult to point the finger of blame. This means that we do not see a true figure of crimes which the police are faced with, only the ones which they pursue further. This shows that it falls to the judgement of the police to choose what is deemed a ‘crime’ and what is to be followed up. It is also suggested that police will record more crimes at points of the year when they are not so busy, however at times that crimes rates are high, less ‘trivial’ crimes will be recorded, this is because it frees up officers for more ‘important’ duties, and saves the police force extra work on things they don’t see as worthwhile, furthermore officers will record crimes more, or more high profile crimes, if they are looking to boost their own career, they may record more `straightforward` crimes, so that they can solve more cases, and benefit from a promotion. Some crimes are recorded, but due to work loads of officers may later be removed from records and classified as ‘non-crimes’ in order to decrease heavy work schedules. A second problem with official crime statistics is that many crimes go unreported, particularly domestic violence and sexual abuse; this is due to the fact that the crimes are seen as `taboo` and carry labels of ‘shame’ and in some communities these issues are seen as the norm, in the past for example many people simply accepted domestic violence as a common part of marriage, and something that could be resolved by the couple themselves; an example of this would be the fact only recently has it been possible for a husband to be convicted of raping his wife. When the man is the victim of domestic violence too, or a child is being abused, the crimes often go unreported, due to the shame of telling, and fear of not being believed. Also minor crimes, in which the victim feels that it is not worth making a statement, they do not report it. Gang crimes often go unreported due to the fact that they tend to take the law into their own hands, rather than seek retribution from the state, they go out and seek it directly from the perpetrator themselves, often reciprocating with a similar act of violence, which they had previously been a victim of. This is because they see their method as more effective and brings with it a higher status than reporting the crime to the authorities does. Other reasons for not reporting the police include, being scared of the person who carried out the crime, a drug dealer beating up a drug addict who has not paid him would be an example of this, the crime may be reported to other authorities, like the council, medical boards etc. or it is thought that many people do not report crimes, due to anti-police feelings. It is a well known fact that only a very small percentage of rape cases actually make it to court, even smaller is chance of a conviction. It is for this reason that victims are often very reluctant to report the crime, as the process of giving evidence and standing up in court is highly stressful, and weighed against the fact that it is unlikely to secure a conviction; it may be altogether less painful to not report it.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Bill Gates Leadership Quality Essay

Gates and his two sisters had a comfortable upbringing, with Gates being able to attend the exclusive secondary â€Å"Lakeside School†. Bill Gates started studying at Harvard University in 1973 where he spent time with Paul Allen. Gates and Allen worked on a version of the programming language BASIC, that was the basis for the MITS Altair (the first microcomputer available). He did not go on to graduate from Harvard University as he left in his junior year to start what was to become the largest computer software company in the world; Microsoft Corporation. Bill Gates married Melinda French Gates in 1994 and has three children, Jennifer, Rory and Phoebe. Both Bill and Melinda are keen Philanthropist’s starting the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which has committed more than $3. 2 billion to global health, $2 billion to improve learning opportunities to low income families, $477 million to community projects and more than $488 million to special projects and annual giving campaigns. Bill Gates retired as Microsoft CEO in 2008. Bill Gates- An Entrepreneur, Manager and Leader: †¢ Focus: Bill Gates has demonstrated over nearly thirty years the importance of clarity of thought and execution. Unlike many of his contemporaries, he did not move away from the domain he understood better than anything else – software. He has pursued the objective of dominance in software in general and operating systems in particular that has few parallels. Venturing into unfamiliar territory may be fashionable but carries a high degree of risk. If ever a need arises for an absolute example for what Peters and Waterman called â€Å"Stick to the Knitting† and Hamel and Prahalad termed core competence, one needs to look no further than Bill Gates and Microsoft. Focus also means the ability to pursue one’s goals whatever the obstacles may be. Such a degree of perseverance is hard to come by. †¢ Thinking big: Along with focus, the ability to dream big and pursue that with single-minded determination sets Gates apart from other entrepreneurs. This is particularly true of entrepreneurs from emerging economies like India where an ultra-conservative attitude has stifled growth. Entrepreneurs need to develop confidence in themselves and their team that they can take on the world and come out winners. †¢ Passion: Simply put, if anything is worth doing, it is worth doing well. From a simple thank you note to a complex proposal, it is critical to place the stamp of excellence on whatever one undertakes. Equally important is the need to constantly innovate. Change is the only constant and the more agile and adaptive we are to change, the more successful we can be. †¢ Learning as a life-long process: Though dropping out of college to his dreams, Bill Gates has probably read and written more than most of us ever will. In the process, he has shown the limits of formal education. Important as formal education is, perhaps it is more important to realize that learning is a life-long process. Knowledge is infinite. Even if we keep assimilating it without a break throughout a lifetime, we would not have scratched the surface. Knowledge should lead to humility and wisdom – not arrogance and one-upmanship. Gates as philanthropist: Aside from being the most famous businessman of the late 1990s, Gates also has distinguished himself as a philanthropist (someone working for charity). He and wife Melinda established the Bill ; Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on helping to improve health care and education for children around the world. The foundation has donated $4 billion since its start in 1996. Recent pledges include $1 billion over twenty years to fund college scholarships for about one thousand minority students; $750 million over five years to help launch the Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines; $50 million to help the World Health Organization’s efforts to eradicate polio, a crippling disease that usually attacks children; and $3 million to help prevent the spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS; an incurable disease that destroys the body’s immune system) among young people in South Africa. In November 1998 Gates and his wife also gave the largest single gift to a U. S. public library, when they donated $20 million to the Seattle Public Library. Another of Gates’s charitable donations was $20 million given to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to build a new home for its Laboratory for Computer Science. In July 2000 the foundation gave John Hopkins University a five-year, $20 million grant to study whether or not inexpensive vitamin and mineral pills can help save lives in poor countries. On November 13, 2000, Harvard University’s School of Public Health announced it had received $25 million from the foundation to study AIDS prevention in Nigeria. The grant was the largest single private grant in the school’s history. It was announced on February 1, 2001, that the foundation would donate $20 million to speed up the global eradication (to completely erase) of the disease commonly known as elephantiasis, a disease that causes disfigurement. In 2002 Gates, along with rock singer Bono, announced plans for DATA Agenda, a $24 billion fund (partially supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) that seeks to improve health care in Africa. Although many describe Gates as cold and distant, his friends find him friendlier since his marriage and since the birth of his daughter, Jennifer, in April 1996. Further, he recognizes his overall contribution to both the world of technology and his efforts in philanthropy. In Forbes magazine’s 2002 list of the two hundred richest people in the world, Gates was number one for the eighth straight year, coming in with a net worth of $52. 8 billion. Bill Gates Criticism: With his great success in the computer software industry also came many criticisms. With his ambitious and aggressive business philosophy, Gates or his Microsoft lawyers have been in and out of courtrooms fighting legal battles almost since Microsoft began. The Microsoft monopoly sets about completely dominating every market it enters through either acquisition, aggressive business tactics or a combination of them. Many of the largest technology companies have fought legally against the actions of Microsoft, including Apple Computer, Netscape, Opera, WordPerfect, and sun Microsystems. Why do I like Bill Gates: I think Bill Gates represents the best of us. – its not just what he’s doing but how he thinks about what he’s doing. He’s a curious geek. He wants to find interesting problems to solve. He believes that smart, self-motivated people working together can make a difference. Bill Gates reflects the best qualities of a generation that has grown up finding the innovative ways to apply science and technology to impact our everyday life in mostly positive ways. Gates made an important and potentially difficult transition at age 52, leaving Microsoft as CEO and devoting more of his time and energy to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It’s a shift in focus, moving from defining strategy for Microsoft to a broader strategy for improving the lives of the world’s poor. He is a self-made American who has matured into a role model and leader. He is thoughtful and tactful where a younger version would have been brash and impetuous. Like Windows, improvement for Gates has required multiple iterations but the insistence on getting it right won out eventually. The newest release of Bill Gates is the best yet. He’s not just analytical when he talks about improving education. He appears to be moved while describing his interaction with highly motivated teachers who see their profession â€Å"as a higher calling. † He highly recommends â€Å"Big History† a series of lectures by David Christian, available through â€Å"The Teaching Company. † It`s really very depressing when we learn that how American executives have brought ruin to American business and our economy. They aren’t leaders worth following. Gates is different. He deserves genuine admiration, in my view. He’s more than a technologist. He’s both a realist and an optimist. He’s become a world leader worth listening to.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Leadership - stratigic communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership - stratigic communication - Essay Example These researches have also found that the absence of the negative qualities of arrogance, hostility, boastfulness, egotism, and passivity are correlated with positive leadership (Romney, 1996). A leader must stand firm even in the presence of criticisms, but still having the courage to admit his mistakes. Leaders are good listeners. An effective leader listens emphatically and welcomes ideas and inputs from the team. This promotes harmony within the team. Leaders are good decision makers. An effective leader, who is focused, authentic, courageous and emphatic, must also have the proper timing in making and executing decisions. A great leader uses time as his ally. Leaders prioritize and move with appropriate speed. Time management is the important parts of good leadership. It is also important to set an example to the team through proper time management. Building a strong leadership is all about building a performing team. Leadership needs to earn the trust of its team and the leaders have confidence in their team. A leader is always pleasant and friendly to all his team members. Above all a good leader is always generous in praising and recognizing each individual who is a performer and appreciate all contributions, big and small. A leader must project fearlessness in facing challenges (Smith, 2005). Leadership is all about communicating to people their worth and potential. It is the influence on others to help them discover their own voice, to find their own purpose, to make their unique contribution, and to release their potential, that truly defines leadership (Khan, 2005). Leadership is influence. Leadership is important because it influences the destiny of people. Leadership also determines, to a large extent, what a group of people will be able to achieve. Leadership moves people towards common goals, principles and values. G ood leadership enables people to work together well, and realize their potential. Good leadership results in strong

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 25

Art - Essay Example The latter is evident in the Dago sculpture showing a seated couple in a way to depict unity and posture the fabric of African family structure. In addition, African art brings out the essence of its people’s consciousness of spiritual powers and their essence in the central life of its people. One of the works relaying this aspect encompasses minkisi (for ritualistic purpose), which emanates from Central Africa. Minkisi are mainly ritualistic containers used then to invoke spiritual mediation known to influence human existence. Another ritualistic art is the nowo though its representation is more of an invisible agent in the society thus emphasizing the African notion of believe in spirits. This is similar to Nigerian ijele Mask commonly used in funerals whereby its core role encompassed invoking the deceased person’s spirit such that his or her state easily can transition to that of the neither world nature. This is spiritual agency, which constitutes the African art though expressed or depicted in varied forms like sculpture, consumes, masks, music or through

Monday, October 7, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 10

Case Study - Essay Example Leaders create visions and goals whereas the managers and administrators work towards achieving them. The fast changing pace of the technology can be observed in the study of the organizations and the changing role of leadership within the organizations. The role of leaders, managers and the administrators of the organizations become more challenging when new technologies are introduced in the organizations. The good leadership ensures effective communication with the employees with shared vision of the new technology, thus promoting better understanding among the employees for easy changeover. The managers and the administrators need to be guided by the group leaders within the organization to implement the changes in a smooth manner. In the contemporary environment of competitive business, the leadership style and leadership initiatives become major propellant of gaining effective leverage against business rivals. Discussion of leadership with reference to large organization is as important as that of small one for the simple reasons that the leaders within the organizations, not only provide an intangible stability among the employees and facilitate integration with the system, but they have been known to promote collective vision of the organization and provide the necessary impetus to the employees to strive towards it. Scholars assert that in the increasingly changing environment of global competitiveness one needs to ‘approach managerial leadership as a relational, ongoing social construction process rather than as a single clear cut phenomenon’ (Sjostrand and Tyrstrup). The emerging new managerial leadership has encompassed a very important aspect of organizations, that of making effort to involve employees in the decision making process. The leadership has recognized the importance of people’s participation in the overall strategy of having collective goals through shared

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Socioemotional Development Education Assignment

Socioemotional Development Education - Assignment Example The second determinant of the friendship among the children is the social and economic backgrounds. The teacher revealed that more than 40% of the friendship witnessed in class is determined by the social status of the families of the children. He noted that most of those children who come from rich families are more likely to become friends. Third form of relationship witnessed in classroom environment is determined by academic factors. The teacher revealed that most children who share common academic performance tend to relate with each other. The last form of friendship that was noted is determined by the geographic setting. It was found that those children from the same geographic location exhibit closer friendship. In another interview to determine the things that make a kid popular, a number of things came out. The teacher asserted that academic performance is the main factor that makes the kids popular. He noted that when a kid is regularly awarded for a good work he or she ha s done, the others will see him or her taking the reward hence become more popular both to the teachers and other children. He also stated that the level of physical activity of the child play a significant role in determining popularity of the child. He noted that the when he or she is playful, jovial and happy become more popular than others mainly because his or her playfulness would enable him interact with more children. The third determinant of the popularity of a child is the level of discipline. The findings from the interview show that extremely rude kids are more popular than those who are average in their discipline. Equally, very discipline kids are more popular than those whose levels of disciplines are average. As far as the rejection and neglecting of the kids in school is concerned, the teacher revealed a number of factors behind these issues. He stated that disability is one of the major factors behind the rejection and neglecting of the kids. He argues that normal kids do not like to associate themselves with the physically challenged kids. Because of this, the handicapped kids would feel rejected. The second factor that the teacher identified is racial discrimination. The teacher stated that despite the fact that the school administration discourages any form of racial discrimination; the whites normally reject kids from different races especially from blacks. However, the teacher claims that they do not express it explicitly mainly because it is against the school rules. The social background of the kid is another factor leading to rejection and neglecting. It was noted that a kid who is from a humble background is usually neglected and rejected by those who come from rich families. The last factor is the academic performances. A kid who has poor academic performances can be rejected and neglected by his or her classmates. Question two answer The interview was then focused into elucidation of ways of reversing the cases of rejection and neg lecting is through reversing the above factors. The teacher noted that the best way of reversing the issues of related to poor academic performance is by improving the academic performance. He also noted that the cases associated with the disabilities can be solved by encouraging the students to show love and care on each other. Additionally, I interviewed the teacher on the approaches that should be adopted in order to assist kids with disabilities. He

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Supply chain design (major report) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Supply chain design (major report) - Essay Example Upon provision of guideline for strategic outsourcing the report provides the business with suggestion to outsource functions in order to reap the benefits offered. INTRODUCTION Supply Chain management is originally implemented by companies in order to streamline operations of the business. Overtime importance of the field of management grew more towards art featured science where exploiting different prospects from the business supply chain determined core of success. For instance, well knitted supply chain of high fashion retailer ZARA has been centre of attention for its supply chain being vertically expanded yet offering low response time to market. On contrary to this model of vertical integrated supply chain, outsourcing of supply chain factors have also gained considerable attentions. Hence, in both cases the objective of the in-sourcing and out-sourcing have been to increase company performance (Williamson, 2008). The underlying report provides intends to develop the possible improvements that outsourcing of the supply chain components offer to the business. Upon developing reference from the academic literature and practical example for the outsourcing of the supply chain components the report suggests business to gain increased benefit by outsourcing of its certain components. To mention, the risk associated with this model has also been attended in detail in order to provide comprehensive assessment of the consideration. LITERATURE SURVEY Supply Chain management has taken the driving seat in determining business model of the business. Simchi-Levi et al (2003) noted that supply chain excellence of the business model is its capacity to provide leading excellent experience to customers. The debate on the supply chain has attended both aspects addressing details to dependency on the supplier as well as taking greater control of supply chain components in organizational control. Business giants prefer developing supply chain model with combination of the outsourced as well as in sourced activities considering the role of the activity in respective business model. For instance, Emirates Airline has outsourced its queue management services to Wave Tech in order to provide customers with high quality services, owing to its expanded operations. On contrary to this, businesses have also set examples of in sourcing business function activity for increasing strength of competitive positions such as STARBUCKS has invested in coffee bean farming in China in order develop long term control over business supply chain. Similarly, small business outsource various secondary functions of supply chain such as accounting, payroll functions etc to reduce the cost burden of hiring expert for the purpose on the firm. Flexibility and adaptability of the supply chain are critical factors in the growingly competitive business world. Therefore, businesses are growingly moving towards outsourcing business functions. Respective to the business functions outs ourced emerging trends are giving rise to management businesses ranging from 1PL to most recent 5PL (where number refers to level of functions outsourced or party providing logistics). The concept has been explicitly presented in the image below: (E-logistics Control, n.d.) Expansion of outsourcing the function of supply chain is being adopted for numerous benefits it offers to business. Some of the benefits that outsourcing offers include following: FLEXIBILITY BENEFIT: Outsourcing of a function does not require firm to invest in the

Friday, October 4, 2019

Cultural Oppression Essay Example for Free

Cultural Oppression Essay Both African Americans and Asian Americans have suffered racial discrimination, slavery, persecution, difficulty in receiving citizenship even though their children were born in the United States and challenges in demonstrating their cultural identity. They experienced difficulty in classifying themselves as purely American because of their outward appearance. Moreover, they always tend to feel insulted that white Americans will always judge them by stereotypes, not by what they really are. African Americans have suffered dual consciousness in the United States, always struggling to receive social and economic equality, both as a Negro and an American. Although political equality has been granted to African Americans, they still suffered inequality in terms of achieving social and economic wealth. The effects of cultural oppression on African Americans have put them at high probability of suffering continued hindrances to achieve societal empowerment and affirmation. However, the richness of African cultures that place importance on collective lifestyle has helped African Americans to be accepted in the United States. Asian Americans were pressured to learn how they could assimilate themselves into different cultural society in the country. The cultural oppression suffered by Asian Americans has helped them to establish their own community in order for them to become self-sufficient. The impact of the Eastern philosophies, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, on Asian culture has helped families to become paternally oriented and hierarchical. The notable reason why some Asians have the tendency to avoid debate and discussion or to appear indecisive is because of these philosophies that teach them principles of harmony, balance and peace. This Asian culture has provided them to act in a positive way and to learn the importance of having self-knowledge about how others behave towards them. Reference Information on Specific Cultural Groups. Retrieved April 17, 2009, from http://education. byu. edu/diversity/culture. html.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Conclusion On Maternal Health Seeking Health And Social Care Essay

Conclusion On Maternal Health Seeking Health And Social Care Essay The objectives of this study are to describe maternal health-seeking practices of adolescent and adult mothers during pregnancy and childbirth and to determine the effects of maternal health-seeking practices on their pregnancy outcomes. This study used the secondary data from a cross sectional survey named Survey of Pregnancy, Birth and Early Life (SPBEL) which was conducted in Kanchanburi province, 2003. A total of 117 nulliparous adolescent mothers aged 15-19 and 193 nulliparous adult mothers aged 20-29 who have delivered singleton live births within two years were included in this study. Binary logistic regression was used to determine the effects of maternal health-seeking practices on pregnancy outcomes. Our study found that the adolescent pregnancy rate (15-19 years) in Kanchanaburi province was 13%. Regarding their background characteristics, adolescent mothers tended to complete similar education level like adult mothers. A higher proportion of adolescent mothers were unemployed in comparison with adult mothers in this study. Concerning with health-seeking practices, a high level utilization of antenatal care was found in both adolescent and adult mothers and most of them received four or more antenatal visits. However, delayed and less frequent antenatal visits among adolescent mothers were found compared with adult mothers. Delivery rate at health facilities was very high and the rate did not differ between adolescent and adult mothers. With respect to pregnancy outcomes, adolescent mothers were found to have a higher incidence of preterm and LBW deliveries. Overall, pregnancy outcomes of adolescent mothers were more adverse than adults. Bivariate analysis showed maternal health-seeking practices had no significant effects on pregnancy outcomes of adolescent and adult mothers. Further adjustment of socio-demographic factors did not change the observed associations. On the other hand, we observed that age was a significant risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Nulliparous adolescent mothers had two times higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes than adults. In our study, we found the associations between pregnancy outcomes and their residence. The risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes for mothers from urban stratum was higher than that of mothers from rice fields, cash crops and upland strata after controlling age, health-seeking factors, level of education and employment status. Recommendation On the basis of our findings, some recommendations for policy implications and future studies are formulated in this section. Recommendations for policy implication High adolescent pregnancy rate calls for policy makers to give greater emphasis on sex education and promotion of contraceptive use among adolescents in schools as well as in the community. These interventions will help in delaying the initiation of sexual intercourse and improving use of birth control among adolescent women. Effective interventions to reduce either intended or unintended pregnancies among adolescents could improve adolescentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ maternal and child health. Despite the overall high use of maternal health care, adolescent mothers were less likely to use maternal health services compared with adult mothers. It was suggested that physical and social barriers accessing maternal health care for adolescent mothers need to be addressed by the government to improve maternal health care utilization among adolescent mothers. It is also recommended to initiate teenage specific antenatal clinic with youth friendly manner which could provide multidisciplinary care by detecting and managing biological and social risk factors for pregnant adolescents. Adolescent mothers were more likely to deliver preterm and LBW babies who are at higher risk of neonatal death. Moreover, neonatal morbidity among babies born to adolescent mothers was relatively higher than babies born to adult mothers. Provision of better antenatal and delivery care for pregnant adolescents could minimize the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. It is crucial to provide training for health providers to understand more about the higher risks of adolescent pregnancy to achieve better pregnancy outcomes. In addition, health providers should be encouraged to pay special attention to postnatal contraception for adolescent mothers to postpone next pregnancy until they are biologically, psychologically and financially able to care for another baby. 5.2.2 Recommendations for future research Further research is needed to elucidate the relationship between adolescent pregnancy outcomes and health-seeking practices. We suggest a prospective cohort study with a large sample size that includes information about potential risk factors of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as genital tract infection, pregnancy complications such as pregnancy induced hypertension and premature rupture of membrane, maternal malnutrition, anemia, and social problems faced by adolescent mothers to confidently conclude the effects of health-seeking practices on outcomes of adolescent pregnancy. Access to quality antenatal and delivery care will also be needed to consider as one important factor to determine the effects of maternal health care on pregnancy outcomes. Hence, it is recommended to include quality of maternal health care as one confounding factor of pregnancy outcomes. Our results provide a starting point to explore the reasons for relatively poor health-seeking practices of adolescent mothers. Qualitative study focusing on health-seeking behavior of adolescent mothers and social problems they encountered during pregnancy and delivery should be conducted for more in-depth understanding of adolescent pregnancy outcomes.